Write 1-2 page entry answering these questions: APA 7th edition and the class is Spirituality in Counseling Share why you chose to take this course, what you feel is the difference between religion an

Kamryn B. Dismuke

Spiritual Well-Being Scale

(Paloutzian & Ellison, 1982)

For each of the following statements circle the choice that best indicates the extent of your agreement or disagreement as it describes your personal experience:

SA = Strongly Agree D = Disagree

MA = Moderately Agree MD = Moderately Disagree

A = Agree SD = Strongly Disagree

1. I don’t’ find much satisfaction in private prayer with God. SA MA A D MD SD

2. I don’t know who I am, where I came from, or where I am

going. SA MA A D MD SD

3. I believe that God loves me and cares about me. SA MA A D MD SD

4. I feel that life is a positive experience. SA MA A D MD SD

5. I believe that God is impersonal and not interested in my

daily situations. SA MA A D MD SD

6. I feel unsettled about my future. SA MA A D MD SD

7. I have a personally meaningful relationship with God. SA MA A D MD SD

8. I feel very fulfilled and satisfied with life. SA MA A D MD SD

9. I don’t get much personal strength and support from my


10. I feel a sense of well-being about the direction my life is

headed in. SA MA A D MD SD

11. I believe that God is concerned about my problems. SA MA A D MD SD

12. I don’t enjoy much about life. SA MA A D MD SD

13. I don’t have a personally satisfying relationship with God. SA MA A D MD SD

14. I feel good about my future. SA MA A D MD SD

15. My relationship with God helps me not to feel lonely. SA MA A D MD SD

16. I feel that life is full of conflict and unhappiness. SA MA A D MD SD

17. I feel most fulfilled when I’m in close communion with God. SA MA A D MD SD

18. Life doesn’t have much meaning. SA MA A D MD SD

19. My relation with God contributes to my sense of well-being. SA MA A D MD SD

20. I believe there is some real purpose for my life. SA MA A D MD SD