The purpose of this assignment is for you to read, evaluate, and critique the literature review of a dissertation using the criteria provided in this rubric. You will score each criterion with a 1, 2,

EDUC 871

Evaluation of a Literature Review Assignment Instructions

The purpose of this assignment is for you to read, evaluate, and critique the literature review of a dissertation using the criteria provided in this rubric. You will score each criterion with a 1, 2, or 3, where “3” is good and “1” is poor and then assign a final, overall grade. You will then provide a 1–2 sentence explanation as to why you rated each criterion as you did in the table listed at the bottom. You should copy the table, score the criteria, provide comments, save the document and then submit.



Score of


Score of


Score of


1. Coverage

A. Justified criteria for inclusion and exclusion from review?

Did not discuss the criteria inclusion or exclusion

Discussed the literature included and excluded

Justified inclusion and exclusion of literature

2. Synthesis

B. Distinguished what has been done in the field from what needs to be done?

Did not distinguish what has and has not been done

Discussed what has and has not been done

Critically examined the state of the field

C. Placed the topic or problem in the broader scholarly literature?

Topic not placed in broader scholarly literature

Some discussion of broader scholarly literature

Topic clearly situated n broader scholarly literature

D. Placed the research in the historical context of the field?

History of the topic not discussed

Some mention of history of topic

Critically examined history of topic

E. Acquired and enhanced the subject vocabulary?

Key vocabulary not discussed

Key vocabulary defined

Discussed and resolved ambiguities in definitions

F. Articulated important variables and phenomena relevant to the topic?

Key variables and phenomena not discussed

Reviewed relationships among key variables and phenomena

Noted ambiguities in literature and proposed new relationships

G. Synthesized and gained a new perspective on the literature?

Accepted literature at face value

Some critique of literature

Offered new perspective

3. Methodology

H. Identified the main methodologies and research techniques that have been used in the field and their advantages and disadvantages?

Research methods not discussed

Some discussion of research methods used to produce claims

Critiqued research methods and introduced new methods to address problems with predominant methods

I. Related ideas and theories in the field to research methodologies?

Research methods not discussed

Some discussion of appropriateness of research methods to warrant claims

Critiqued appropriateness of research methods to warrant claims

4. Significance

J. Rationalized the practical significance of the research problem?

Practical significance of research not discussed

Practical significance discussed

Critiqued practical significance of research

K. Rationalized the scholarly significance of the research problem?

Scholarly significance of research not discussed

Scholarly significance discussed

Critiqued scholarly significance of research

5. Rhetoric

L. Was written with a coherent, clear structure that supported the review?

Poorly conceptualized, haphazard

Some coherent structure

Well developed, coherent

Note: Adapted from Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination (p.27), by Christopher Hart, 1999, London, SAGE Publications. Copyright 1999 by SAGE publications.

Provide reference for the dissertation selected here:

Scoring Rubric for EDUC 871 Evaluation of a Literature Review Assignment

There are 12 criteria, and each should be rated with a 1, 2, or 3 where “1” is poor and “3” is good. The maximum score is a 36.
















Overall Score:

Grading Scale: A = 36 – 31

B = 30 – 26

C = 25 – 21

D = 20 – 16

F = 15 – 0