its a course project i need 7 to 10 pages

PSYCH 305: The Psychology of Being Human

Course Project

Due June 12th

Instructions: The purpose of this course project is to (a) show the prevalence of discussions related to the human concept in media, and (b) demonstrate your knowledge of course material along with your ability to apply it to the world around you. You will be required to use material from a variety of sections in this course and provide a coherent analysis in relation to media output.

More specifically, you will be required to find three examples of the human concept being discussed in various forms of media. For each example, you will be required to address the questions provided below. You can choose the five examples yourself but there are some criteria you need to follow.

  1. For your three examples, you must use at least two types of media out of the following: News media; television/movies, literature, music, and video games. You may have multiple examples from one type of media but must still pull from at least two media types. For example, you could select three different examples from news media, one from music, and one from television.

  2. Each of the three examples must come from different sources. For example, you cannot use CBC for more than one of your examples.

  3. The examples must have some discussion related to the human concept in one of the following ways: What it means to be human, dehumanization, anthropomorphism, and objectification. You must cover at least two of these in your entire course project.

For each example, discuss the following points:

  1. Provide a description of the example, including what type of media example it is (e.g., news or television), its source (e.g., news outlet, the program, the book), and a brief summary of the contents (enough to provide context to your discussion). Is the example discussing a positive or negative situation?

  2. How is the human concept being discussed? Is the example discussing what it means to be human, dehumanization, anthropomorphism, or objectification? Provide evidence (e.g., a quotation) to support your statement.

  3. Which of the anthropologies best describes how the human concept is being utilized in the example? Provide evidence to support your statement.

  4. Which of the three processes of human categorization is best demonstrated by the example? Provide evidence to support your statement. If none of the three processes are relevant to the substance of the example, explain why. If the example is one related to dehumanization, anthropomorphism, or objectification, discuss the more specific causal factors (e.g., disgust) and how it may relate to the denial or attribution of humanness.

  5. How can things be improved? In other words, using the substance of the example and the course material, how can we improve the world around us (social and otherwise)? If the example is one of dehumanization or objectification and is connected to horrible outcomes, how can we minimize or eliminate that dehumanization or objectification? If the human concept is tied to positive outcomes, discuss how to increase such a situation.

In responding to each of the above items, be sure to define your terms (especially terms from the course), be specific, and directly tie your claims to either the substance of the source and/or the course material. Also, demonstrate the knowledge you gained from the course by using the most accurate, specific terms (e.g., dehumanization vs. animalistic/mechanistic dehumanization).

Finally, after the three media examples, I want you to write a one-page reflection covering (a) what you learned from completing the course project, (b) what you learned from the course, and (c) the most interesting thing you learned about the course.

Further requirements and notes of interest:

-There is no page minimum or maximum. Be comprehensive but concise.

-You may start each example, and your reflection, on its own page. This will make it a bit cleaner for me.

-Cite and reference your sources (using APA 7 guidelines). This is for both the media examples and any course material you use. You can cite and reference lectures as well as required readings.

-I generally do not like the use of direct quotes but this project will require them when supporting your claims. However, I only want to see the use of direct quotes for media examples. All discussion related to course material must be in your own words (and cited and referenced).

-Upload your assignment as either a .pdf, .doc., .docx, or .rtf file.