Leadership traits and practices will be examined in light of Scriptural insight and understanding. You will review the prompts below and assigned Scripture readings. You will then demonstrate understa

EDUC 871

Leadership and Scripture Assessment Assignment Instructions

Leadership traits and practices will be examined in light of Scriptural insight and understanding. You will review the prompts below and assigned Scripture readings. You will then demonstrate understanding of leadership principles and Scriptural insight along with practical application to current or future leadership roles. Both assessments will be between 1–2 pages in length, not counting the cover or reference pages and written in current APA format.

Prompt Chart


Assignment Title


Module 2: Week 2

Leadership Traits

The Learn material for this module reviewed 6 leadership traits and practices. These, of course, can and should be applied within curriculum leadership positions. After reviewing the Learn material, examine the leadership traits of King David. See if you can identify the six leadership traits (by referencing chapter and verse of 1 Samuel) from these chapters that were demonstrated by David. Why did you select these Scriptural references? In your current or future leadership position which three leadership traits would you make a priority? Explain why.

Module 6: Week 6

Vision or Mission Statement

The Learn material for this module reviewed 6 areas leaders need to consider as they develop and communicate their vision to others. These, of course, can and should be applied within curriculum leadership positions. After familiarizing yourself with the Learn material, review the Gospel of Mark.

See if you can identify where Jesus addressed each of these areas when he spoke to his followers (reference chapter and verse of the Gospel of Mark). Why did you select these Scriptural references? Does your organization or institution have a vision or mission statement? If so, what is it and how does it compare to what you have learned about developing and communicating a vision? If not, how would you like the vision or mission statement to read (try to incorporate key areas of developing a vision for your followers making it both motivational and challenging)?