Module 2: Week 2 Learn Assessment: Social Forces Visit the U.S. Government’s “Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network” link located on the Learn Assessment: Social Forces Assignme

EDUC 871

Learn Assessment Assignment Instructions

You will write four Learn Assessments throughout the course. You will provide critical analysis, assessments, critiques, and applications to various chapter readings, articles, and websites sources located in each Module’s Learn section based on the prompts listed in the chart below. At a minimum, you must clearly summarize all key points, provide a personal analysis and critique, and a personal and practical applications sections within your paper.

Each assignment will be between 2–3 pages in length written in current APA format. The assignment should include a title page and reference page (no abstract is required, and paper length does not include the title page or reference page).

Prompt Chart


Assignment Title


Module 1: Week 1

Learn Assessment: Curriculum Traditions

The article "Perspectives on Four Curriculum Traditions" by William Schubert, found in Chapter 1 of your text, highlights theoretical orientations to curriculum thought. Briefly summarize the four curriculum traditions. Of the four, which tradition appeals to you the most? Which one appeals to you the least? Explain your answers.

Module 2: Week 2

Learn Assessment: Social Forces

Visit the U.S. Government’s “Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network” link located on the Learn Assessment: Social Forces Assignment page under Learn Assessment: Social Forces Resource or other education research-oriented, internet sites and locate an article or information that pertains to any “one” of the ten social forces discussed in Chapter 2 of your text. Summarize the article or information and discuss how this social force could have a positive impact upon curriculum, curriculum development, or curriculum leadership.

Module 5: Week 5

Learn Assessment: Curriculum Standards

Summarize the arguments put forth in Chapter 5 of your textbook that both support and criticize higher standards for the curriculum. Which position do you favor? Explain your answer.

Module 6: Week 6

Learn Assessment: Technology Integration

In what ways could curriculum be adapted by school leaders so that it integrates technology in a way that meets the expectations of a new generation of tech-savvy students? Tailor your answer to a grade level to which you are most familiar.