M5 Written Assignment: Poster


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Poster: Health Disparities in Marginalized Populations


  1. Identify the population and the disparity that is present

  2. Outline the changes needed in rights, access, equity, and participation to address this disparity

  3. Include at least three scholarly resources to support your work

  4. Utilize the Poster Template to prepare the poster. This will not be printed, rather, it will be submitted electronically in the assignment dropbox

  5. Upload your poster to the Module 6 Discussion Board by the end of week 

This activity is tied to:

  • Course Objective 1: Describe the historical and contemporary societal factors that shape the development of individual and group identity involving race, class, gender, and ability in the context of health care delivery

  • Course Objective 3: Apply the principles of rights, access, equity, and autonomous participation to past, current, or future social justice action within health care delivery for marginalized populations

The following SUNY Empire Library resources can help you complete assignments:

  • SUNY Empire Online Library Resources Center can connect you to: Journals, a self-paced Research Skills Tutorial, online Workshops to sharpen your library skills

  • SUNY Empire Online Writing Center – to access writing tips and assistance.

  • Take a Video Tour of the SUNY Empire Library

  • Get online virtual help from the Ask a Librarian or call at (800) 847-3000 ext. 2222