Overview So far in this course, you have identified a health or healthcare problem and completed your needs assessment for this program. Also, you explored various program planning models and compared

IHP 670 Logic Model Outline Template

Use this template to help you design the logic model outline for your program plan. Fill in the information identified in each section of the outline’s bracketed text, and then delete the bracketed text before submitting this outline for grading. Note: You will not complete the Feedback Loops, Assumptions, and External Barriers at this time. Those spaces are included so that you can view the entire model structure.

Program Title: [Insert program title.]

Program Goal: [Insert program goal.]

Feedback Loop One: [Describe one feedback loop that exists in the above table.]

Feedback Loop Two: [Describe a second feedback loop that exists in the above table.]


External Barriers

[Insert all assumptions for your program here.]

[Insert all external barriers for your program here.]