You will complete a paper regarding the assigned textbook readings. The synthesis will provide thoughtful analysis, insight, understanding, and application of topics reviewed written in current APA fo

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Curriculum is an important aspect of any learning institution. Public and private schools

across the United States must determine which curriculum to use based off their student

population and preparation for end of grade testing, which is required by the NCLB Act.

According to Parkay, Anctil, and Hass, “Curriculum criteria take different forms. The type of

criteria most important to the individual often depends whether one is a school leader, teacher, or

student” (Parkay, Anctil, & Hass, 2014, p.6). The following paper will discuss social forces,

human development, and learning/learning styles that were described in the text book

Curriculum Leadership: Readings for developing quality educational programs (3 rd

ed.), as well

as how this information has impacted my view of curriculum and curriculum leadership.

Social Forces

Throughout the history of the education system, the curriculum, style, and content have

changed over the years. According to Parkay, Anctil, and Hass, “Just as education plays an

important role in shaping the world of tomorrow, it is in turn shaped by current and future

economic, political, social, demographic, and technological forces” (Parkay, Anctil, & Hass,

2014, p.44). There are many social forces that are outside of the control of the students attending

school. These issues include cultural diversity, the environment, and family stress just to name a

few. As an educator, I as aware of several forces that have affected my students through the

years. However, after reading Chapter 2, I realized that there were more social forces than I knew

existed or had experience with trying to help with.

After reading Chapter 2, I realize there are several areas that could be developed in the

district I work in, and probably districts around the United States. Parkay, Anctil, and Hass This study source was downloaded by 100000767590739 from on 06-09-2024 20:33:22 GMT -05:00 PAPER 3

(2014) advise that “curriculum leaders should consider three levels of social forces that influence

the curriculum: national and international level, local community, and school culture” (Parkay,

Anctil, & Hass, 2014, p.55). Each of these levels should be introduced into the curriculum to

help create a well-rounded learning experience for students. These three areas require the

curriculum planning team to review international standards, and diversity, as well as the family

structure, student’s backgrounds, and the values and beliefs of the school. The goal is to create a

curriculum that the students enjoy learning, the teacher’s enjoy/understand how to teach it, and

the parents are supportive.

Human Development

There are various hypotheses, which address the region of human Development. There

have been several researchers to address the areas of cognitive and psychosocial development.

While every one of these models help to expand a teacher comprehension of human

improvement, it is additionally vital to recall that no two people create at the very same rate in all

regions. Along these lines, it is essential to remember six inquiries as postured by Parkay, Hass

and Anctil (2014) when trying to see how models of human development influence educational

curriculum improvement. Human development is tied in with giving individuals more flexibility

to live lives they cherish. Basically this implies building up individuals' capacities and allowing

them to utilize them. For instance, teaching a young lady would fabricate her aptitudes, yet it is

of little utilize on the off chance that she is denied access to employments, or does not have the

correct abilities for the neighborhood work showcase. Three establishments for human

development are to live a long life, healthy and creative life, to be proficient, and to obtain skills

that will help to have a standard life. Numerous different things are imperative as well,

particularly in making the correct conditions for human improvement. Once the essentials of This study source was downloaded by 100000767590739 from on 06-09-2024 20:33:22 GMT -05:00 PAPER 4

human development are accomplished, they open up open doors for advance in different parts of

life. Human development information gives teachers, educational curriculum organizers, and

educators that capacity to use and outline educational program that emphasis on the nature and

necessities of individual students. The by and large acknowledged phases of human advancement

incorporate early stages, youth, early pre-adulthood, center pre-adulthood, late pre-adulthood,

and adulthood. The youth arrange is ordinarily experienced in an understudy's rudimentary

tutoring; the pre-adult stages happening through center and high tutoring. Understanding the

necessities of students at different levels of instruction is a helpful apparatus in controlling

educational curriculums. People have much in like manner as students, however human instinct

additionally makes us be people with particular needs and contrasts, making it hard to

characterize the improvement of a human at a specific age.

Learning and Learning Styles

Learning styles are ways in which an individual learns material the best. central

importance for curriculum leaders” (Parkay, Anctil, & Hass, 2014, p.224). Discovering the

learning style of an individual is important so that educators can help facilitate the learning

process. There are several theorists that have researched the nature of learning and learning

styles. These can be broken down in to two sections: behaviorist and constructivist. Each one of

these theories shapes how curriculum is designed and delivered.

After reading Chapter 3, I realized that as an educator I normally fall into the

constructivist point of view. I always focus on how the brain learns best and how the brain learns

new skills and information. This chapter really helped me understand how behaviorism fits into

curriculum planning and not just behavior management. I realized that is possible to condition

students using rewards when it comes to learning, as well as with behavior. This will affect my This study source was downloaded by 100000767590739 from on 06-09-2024 20:33:22 GMT -05:00 PAPER 5

future position because I am going to be developing curriculum for the whole school. Reading

this, I see that it is important to reinforce learning so that the student wants to continue and will

elicit the same responses, as it is to know how the brain develops and learns. I honestly think that

curriculum can have some of both theories in it.


Curriculum arranging is established upon three bases; social forces, speculations of

human development, and the idea of learning and learning styles. These three bases offer

approach to various outlines that can be taken after when arranging educational modules. Settling

on an educational curriculum for a school or region is no straightforward errand. There are

numerous elements that become possibly the most important factor, for example, the social

forces on the learning group, the vision of the school, standards, qualities, and culture of the

school (Anctil, Hass and Parkay, 2014). The historical backdrop of educational programs

advancement peruses a way of progress, improvement, and adaption. The accompanying ancient

rarity plots different educational curriculum improvement approaches over the previous century.

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Parkay, F. W., Anctil, E.J., & Hass, G. (2014) Curriculum Leadership: Readings for

developing quality educational programs (3 rd

ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
