MAKE SURE THE ASSIGNMENT IS DONE IN A SINGLE PAGE. What are the values and assumptions of business? Why does neoclassical economics rely so heavily on underlying assumptions of human behavior and

Page 1 of 3 ADMS 1000 D – Summer 202 4 Midterm Exam Update# 1 – Content, Format and Information Instructor: Natalie Guriel Date: Satur day, June 15 , 202 4. Time: 10am to 12:30pm (Toronto time) . Students writing in a different time zone need to be aware of the time difference and ensure they start and submit their exam in the correct Toronto time. International Students: International Student s overseas - International students who are overseas and unable to write the midterm exam at the given time, must email their Instructor before the exam and apply for a Deferred Midterm Exam . Please note: that the ADMS 1000 Deferred Midterm Exam will be held within the next two weeks after the original Midterm Exam at an unknown date and time . If you choose the option to defer the exam, this is your last and final option to write the Midterm Exam . You must write it! If you miss the deferred exam for any reason (illness, family emergency, technology issue , conflict with another exam, car accident, robbery, etc), your midterm exam mark will be recorded as zero (0). No exceptions ! Please also refer to the Course Outline for the department policies and documentation required in order to write a deferred exam. This is something I am unable to change. Place: Online in your course page in Eclass . Technology: Students are expected to have a working computer and stable, secure , and reliable internet. This is an online course that requires students to have the appropriate technology. If you have any concerns about your computer’s compatibility or your internet connection , you should contact York University’s Computer I T Help Desk in advance of this exam. E-Services: [email protected] Getting Help Web Page: -help/#1598572927475 -87bf5fdd -5f1a Professors do not expect students to have any issues. Therefore, no extensions will be granted for technological issues. However, if you have a technological issue during the exam, you will be expected to provide proof of the issue through photos, screen prints, and any other supportive documentation or evidence. Writing a new exam is not guaranteed. The professor will look at each situation on a case -by -case basis . The situation is also subject to review by the department Course Coordinator. Page 2 of 3 False claims of technological issues are a breach of Academic Honesty per the Course Outline and York University policies and can result in an exam mark of zero (0). Content: The online Midterm exam will cover EVERYTHING to date. Please see the Course Outline for the required readings, chapters etc . The Powerpoints alone will not be sufficient to pass this exam. Students are expected to study all the materials provided . Format: The format will be all case -based , with case -related questions to answer. Students will be given a brand, new case that they have not seen before. Students will need to write in as much detail as possible demonstrating their understanding of the theory with definitions, explanation & analysis and specific examples . Students should state any assumptions and make any inferences from the case where appropriate. In other words, write in “ extreme detail .” This means s tudents should write in detailed, thorough sentences , but can use subheadings to organize their answers clearly. Students using point form to organize their ideas may do so, but still need to write in a detailed way. Just writing down one idea with one example, is not enough for a 20 mark, 10 mark or even a 5 mark answer. A 5 mark answer still require s a 1) definition of the theoretical concept, 2) an explanation, 3) a connection from the theory to the case with all case examples.4) Anything else meaningful that demonstrates your own thoughts, ideas, assumptions or inferences that relate to the case, the business and/or the industry presented. Therefore, answers will be assessed on their quality and quantity of analysis. Students should also use their own words and not copy directly from course Practice Cases , as this will be a form of copying. Grade Weighting : 35% (per the course outline) Materials: Open -book exam – Students may refer to their notes, but are expected to work independently and without help or assistance from others. Cheating: Exams will be submitted using Turnitin, which is the specialized software used to detect cheating. Any copying and cheating is subject to review by the administration of York University and can result in a mark of zero (0) for the Midterm exam , a mark of zero (0) for the course, and/or further action taken by York University. Page 3 of 3 Cheating also includes copying and pasting your Instructor notes. So, you must use own words . You cannot copy and paste your Instructor’s materials as your own. This is plagiarism. For example, if all 100 students in the class copy and paste their Instructor’s notes into the exam, everyone’s exam will be copied and everyone’s exam will be the same. Cheating is a serious offence and can remain on your university record and transcript indefinitely. Do not be tempted to cheat. Start studying now! Make your own notes , in your own words. Use a Thesaurus if necessary. Accommodations: If you are a student who requires accommodations and has submitted a required Letter of Accommodation (LOA ) to your professor (for Accessibility Services), please remind your professor AGAIN , to ensure your exam is set up correctly. Professors are receiving hundreds of emails. Please be kind , be compassionate, and remind your professors . Exam Updates: Please ch eck your course web site and your York email account for any last -minute changes to the exam . It is the student’s responsibility to be proactive to check Eclass Announcements and York emails regularly. Regularly means checking your York email account and Eclass Announcements at least three (3) times a day: once in the morning, afternoon , and evening. Questions during the exam : As a n Instructor , I typically do not answer questions during the exam. This is to be fair to all students. If you think however there may be an error in the exam, you should bring this to the Instructor’s attention immediately ; otherwise, specific content -related or interpretation questions will not be answered. Please ask any questions you have now about the course material s etc. before the exam date. Should you have any questions or require any clarification on the policies, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Natalie Guriel , BA MMPA, C.Mgr, CMA, CPA , CITP Instructor , ADMS 1000 D Email: [email protected] or [email protected]