Reading Disabilities: Dyslexia Students will create a resource that provides information about dyslexia. The resource will include information on dyslexia, the evaluation process, and evidence-based i

EDUC 5340 Benchmark Rubric Reading Disabilities Resource

With a Literacy Plan Reflection to Increase Literacy Skills and Motivation to Read Educator Standards and /PPR / Content Standards

PPR Standards and Testing Competencies as Applied to TC Course Sections TAC 228.30

Standard I: (Domain I. Competencies 001-004 Domain III. Competencies 007-010) The teacher designs instruction appropriate for all students that reflects an understanding of relevant content and is based on continuous and appropriate assessment.

Standard III: (Domain III. Competency 007-010)

The teacher promotes student learning by providing responsive instruction that makes use of effective communication techniques, instructional strategies that actively engage students in the learning process, and timely, high-quality feedback.

Educator Standards TAC 149

Standard 1--Instructional Planning and Delivery. Teachers demonstrate their understanding of instructional planning and delivery by providing standards-based, data-driven, differentiated instruction that engages students, makes appropriate use of technology, and makes learning relevant for today’s learners.

Standard 2—Knowledge of Students and Student Learning. Teachers work to ensure high levels of learning, social-emotional development, and achievement outcomes for all students, taking into consideration each student’s educational developmental background and focusing on each student’s needs.

Standard 5— Data-Driven Practice. Teachers use formal and informal methods to assess student growth aligned to instructional goals and course objectives and regularly review and analyze multiple sources of data to measure student progress and adjust instructional strategies and content delivery as needed.

Reading Content Competencies:

Standard II: Phonological and Phonemic Awareness: Teachers of young students understand the components of phonological and phonemic awareness and utilize a variety of approaches to help young students develop this awareness and its relationship to written language.

Standard X: Assessment and Instruction of Developing Literacy: Teachers understand the basic principles of assessment and use a variety of literacy assessment practices to plan and implement literacy instruction for young students.

STR Standards:

Competency 001 (Foundations of the Science of Teaching Reading): Understand foundational concepts, principles, and best practices related to the science of teaching reading.

Description of Benchmark Performance Assessment: Create a research-based Reading Disabilities Resource for addressing dyslexia and related reading difficulties. The student will also create a presentation based on the Science of Reading and connect it to an action plan to increase literacy skills based on the course content and other resources.

Reflection Questions: (narrative)

Question 1. What is the purpose of being able to identify the characteristics of dyslexia and general reading difficulties in students?

Questions 2. How has your understanding of the topics/content in this course evolved or confirmed what you already knew? What are your reflections or questions about the course content?

Questions 3. How can you apply the information from this course in your current and/or future practices as an educator?



Below expectations

Approaches expectations

Meets expectations

Exceeds expectations



80-89 %.



Content Knowledge: In- depth knowledge of the STR and reading disability content from the readings, research, and experience supported with examples, explanations, and evidence.

The assignment is incomplete, unsatisfactory, and/ or submitted late. Does not demonstrate an understanding of

the content. Copies

Demonstrates limited knowledge of the course content and does not meet most of the assignment objectives. Limited

attempt to

Demonstrates a satisfactory knowledge of the course content and meets most of the assignment objectives.

Paraphrases and

Demonstrates in- depth, accurate knowledge of the course content and meets /exceeds the assignment objectives. Shows

a synthesis and

directly from the

summarize or

summarizes most

analysis of

course documents

paraphrase the

readings and other

information from

and other resources.

readings and

sources. Most ideas

different sources.

Mostly includes


and concepts are

The ideas and

personal statements

content. Includes

supported by

concepts are

instead of

many personal

relevant cited

supported by

information from

statements instead


relevant cited

valid, cited

of information



from valid, cited


Application of

There is limited

There is limited evidence of critical thinking, reflexive inquiry, and strong insight related to the principles of STR and the understanding of reading disability. The assignment

reflects a limited

Critical thinking, reflexive inquiry, and strong insight into the principles of STR and the understanding of reading disability were demonstrated in the application of strategies for student success in

literacy. The

Critical thinking, reflexive inquiry, and a strong insight into the principles of STR and reading disability were effectively demonstrated in the application of strategies for students’ success

in literacy.


evidence of


insightful or critical

thinking in the

application of STR

and reading

disability content to

meet the objectives

of the assignment.

There is limited or

no application of

understanding of

assignment mostly reflects the student’s understanding and ability to apply strategies to increase learning and literacy. The ideas and concepts are mostly supported by cited references.

The assignment

knowledge of the

STR standards or


topic that is

how to apply

reflects the

supported by cited

strategies to

students’ deep

references and

increase literacy.

understanding and

demonstrates the

The ideas and

ability to apply

relevance of the

concepts are rarely

strategies to

concepts and ideas

supported by cited

increase learning

to teaching and


and literacy.



The reflection/analysis is missing or incomplete.

Includes a limited analysis and reflection on the topic and learning process.

Demonstrates a limited ability to connect course content to relevant personal, learning, and professional experiences.

Includes an adequate analysis and reflection on the topic and learning process. Demonstrates a satisfactory ability to connect course content to relevant personal, learning, and professional experiences.

Includes an insightful analysis and reflection on the topic and learning process. Demonstrates an ability to connect course content to relevant personal, learning, and professional experiences.

Organization /

Academic /formal

Academic /formal writing styles are used inconsistently.

There are some spelling and/or grammatical errors. Some of the assignment guidelines for the organization are followed.

Academic or formal writing styles are used with some consistency throughout the assignment. There are no significant spelling or grammatical errors. APA 7 guidelines are used for references. Most of the assignment guidelines are used to organize the


Academic/ formal writing styles are used throughout the assignment.

There are no significant spelling or grammatical errors. APA 7 guidelines are used for references. The information is presented clearly and follows the assignment guidelines.


writing styles are

used inconsistently.

There are many

spelling/and or

grammatical errors.

Many of the


guidelines are not


