Reading Disabilities: Dyslexia Students will create a resource that provides information about dyslexia. The resource will include information on dyslexia, the evaluation process, and evidence-based i

Risk factors and signs of dyslexia:
  • Family history of dyslexia or

reading difficulty

  • Early language difficulties such as delayed speech or trouble pronouncing words

  • Difficulty identifying and manipulating individual sounds within words

  • Challenges learning letter names

  • Difficulty recalling the names of letters, numbers, and familiar objects

  • Avoidance of reading and writing tasks

  • Inaccurate or slow reading

  • Difficulty with note taking and producing written work

  • Over use of pictures to guess at words

Early intervention is critical, and parents or guardians should talk to their child’s teacher

if they have concerns.

Additional resources and information for parents can be found on the SPEDTex website. 1.855.773.3839


Fact Sheet for Families

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a brain-based learning disability that makes learning to read,

write, and/or spell difficult despite adequate instruction and intelligence.

Students with dysgraphia, a related learning disorder, demonstrate

academic challenges in handwriting, spelling, and written expression.

Characteristics of dyslexia:

Primary characteristics include difficulties:

  • Learning the sounds letters make

  • Reading words in isolation or reading unknown words

  • Reading smoothly with enough speed and accuracy to comprehend

  • Spelling

Secondary characteristics may include difficulty:

  • Expressing ideas or concepts in writing

  • Understanding what is read

Students with dyslexia may also present with additional difficulties and/ or disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), speech and language disorders, and/or other academic needs.

Procedures for evaluation and identification:

Your children are legally entitled to receive individualized services and supports. State and federal law require schools to have specific procedures in place to identify, locate, and evaluate students with, or

suspected of having, dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning disability that may require special education services.

Parents may request a special education evaluation through their child’s campus or district.