Students will create a Literacy Plan based on their learning in this course. Read/view the resources in Module 4 and use them to help you design a plan. Students will create a one-page infographic to

EDUC 5340 Presentations and Informational Products Rubric


Below expectations

Approaches expectations

Meets expectations

Exceeds expectations




90-100 %

Content Knowledge

The assignment is incomplete, unsatisfactory, and/ or submitted late. Does not demonstrate an understanding of the content.

Copies directly from the textbook or course and other resources.

Demonstrates a limited knowledge of the course content and does not meet most of the assignment objectives. Limited attempt to summarize or paraphrase the readings and supplemental content. Limited evidence of synthesis and analysis of information from

different sources.

Demonstrates a satisfactory knowledge of the course content and meets most of the assignment objectives.

Paraphrases and summarizes most readings and other content. Shows some degree of synthesis and analysis of information from different sources.

Demonstrates in-depth, accurate knowledge of the course content and meets /exceeds the assignment objectives.

Paraphrases and summarizes readings and other content adequately. Shows a synthesis and analysis of information from different sources.

Application of Content

Limited application of the content. Does not follow the assignment instructions or demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of the presentation/product and the audience.

Demonstrates a limited ability to apply the content knowledge to plan and/or create presentations, and other products for different audiences.

Demonstrates a satisfactory ability to apply the content knowledge to plan and/or create presentations, and other products for different audiences.

Demonstrates an understanding of the purpose of the presentation/product.

Demonstrates an ability to apply the content knowledge to plan and/or create presentations, and other products for different audiences that meet and exceed the assignment objectives.

Shows an in-depth understanding of the significance of the topic/product to teaching and


Design and Organization

Graphics and design elements are minimal and may not be suitable for the presentation, product, and/or audience. Ideas are marginally developed or poorly organized. Missing elements.

Limited use of graphics to support the topic and the content of the presentation or product may not be suitable for the audience. Does not enhance readability and content. The organization may be somewhat inconsistent. Some required

elements are included.

Most graphics support the topic and content of the presentation or product and are suitable for the audience and may generally enhance readability and content. The organization is consistent and appropriate for the purpose and content. Most required

elements are included.

All graphics and other design elements support the topic and content of the presentation or product, are suitable for the audience, and enhance readability and content. Ideas are coherently and logically organized. All required elements

are included.


The language is informal and has many errors in mechanics, usage, and sentence structure. The APA 7 format is missing or incorrect.

The writing style is somewhat appropriate for the presentation/product but errors in mechanics, usage, and sentence structure distract from the content. The APA 7 format is missing or incorrect.

Mostly uses an appropriate writing style with minimal errors in mechanics, usage, and sentence structure that is appropriate for the presentation/product. Attempts to use the APA 7 format for


Uses a formal writing style appropriate for the presentation/product that is generally free from errors in mechanics, usage, and sentence structure. Uses the APA 7 format correctly for citations.