TWO QUESTIONS 1.Reflect on what you have learned about students who are gifted and talented. If you had an individual who was gifted and talented in math, and performed well above the rest of your cla


Danielle Boyles

Question One- Given a classroom of diverse learners, describe the characteristics of students with

exceptionalities where the majority of their educational program is in the general

education classroom.

In the regular education classroom, eligible exceptional students may have different attributes that suit their special needs. Besides, they are likely to exhibit problems with attention, impulse control, or social relations chanting application of the behavior management strategies. Additionally, these children may require special attention, including additional time for evaluation and priority seating or assistive technology that will ease their learning.

Question Two- Given a classroom of diverse learners, describe the characteristics of students

with exceptionalities where the majority of their educational program is in the

special education classroom.

Within a specialized classroom, students with exceptionalities frequently face much more intense support and custom instruction that address their particular needs. Students can struggle with the regulation of emotions, control of behavior, or social interaction management; thus, there is a need for a therapeutic environment and good organization. Therefore, they suffer emotional and behavioral disorders. They suffer from physical disabilities that manifest as immobility, sensory impairments, or diseases that require accommodations and specialized devices. Other children have intellectual deficiencies, which may influence their intellectual ability and functional independence.

Question Three- What are the purposes of the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

(IDEA); State of Maine’s Chapter 101 Special Education Regulations; Chapter 104

Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Children and Section 504 of the

Rehabilitation Act?

The IDEA ensures that every student with disabilities has an unconditional right to FAPE, and the education system is responsible for determining an IEP for this student to address their unique needs (Ross, 2021). It involves providing special education services, required accommodations, and procedural safeguards. Chapter 101 describes the procedures and approach to giving personalized educational services to kids who meet certain criteria. Chapter 104 deals with providing individual education plans for gifted and talented children. It intends to provide them with opportunities for enrichment, acceleration courses, and advanced programming aiming at the intellectual and creative advancement of the students. Projects receiving federal funding are required to comply with the requirements of Chapter 504, which prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities. Additionally, the rule requires schools to tailor special provisions to enable children with disabilities to participate in all educational activities and programs.

Question Four- List and explain the benefits of family communication and involvement for students

with exceptionalities.

Enhanced school-home ties- Efficient communication and collaboration between the family and the teachers create a supportive relationship with the student’s success in mind, leading to better results in academics, social life, and emotional life (Yotyodying & Wild, 2019). Collaborative IEP objective framing- Family members play indispensable roles in developing students’ IEPs or 504 plans, leading to objectives and techniques that resonate with individual needs and preferences. Enhanced understanding of students’ needs - Frequent contact between parents and teachers offers an easy way for teachers to learn students’ abilities, challenges, and progress.

Question five- Outline the continuum of educational services for students who are


Certain exceptional children will seamlessly be integrated into general education classes with minor modifications and additional support. Others require resource rooms. Resource rooms give support in specific topics or skill areas through the instruction in the environment of resource rooms in the schedule of regular education classes. Another alternative kind of continuum involves the use of self-contained special education classrooms. Self-contained classrooms offer a more structured environment with a specific education designed to cater to kids who need more profound care. Additionally, specific exceptionalities, especially intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorder, may attend specialized schools or programs.

Question six- What are the benefits of different assistive technologies for students

with exceptionalities?

Assistive technology can empower children with special needs to accomplish tasks that would be challenging or even impossible without that technology. They can be designed to meet these students’ unique needs and preferences by using individualized assistance that helps achieve their academic and social goals. Moreover, they bridge the gap between students and educational resources, promote classroom activities, and show assessment of knowledge and skills based on flexible learning plans. Assistive technology, for example, speech-generating devices, can help students suffering from communication difficulties or disabilities by allowing them to express themselves, communicate, and socialize easily.

Question Seven- How can general education teachers best teach students with


A teacher can employ varied teaching strategies, materials, and assessments to tackle the diverse needs of learners. Another way of teaching is applying the principles of universal design for learning. Tailoring instruction and assessments to meet the individual learning needs of exceptional students by giving them extra time, prioritizing seating, or using alternate formats is also crucial. Teachers often provide pupils with other options in the classroom in addition to education. This scenario entails offering options to maintain student involvement by allowing them to choose an activity.