If you are not familiar with concept maps, be sure to visit The Learning Center information, as there are instructions and examples included.Create a concept map reflecting how individual and group id

Hi Marilyn, your concept map is amazing! I did not even think to go in-depth on one topic; it was really educational in that I clearly see the influences of race, class, gender, and ability on health through the lens of historical and modern context.
In-depth analysis on how race, class, gender, and ability can lead to health care disparities AND provided historical and contemporary examples as evidence. Each evidence is also defined and written out in detail with some from peer-reviewed sources. 
Opportunities for improvement:
- Define what “society f” is under group identity-ability-historical box.
- Overall, I think it’s great as is but if you want to go the extra mile, perhaps to provide a conclusive statement on how this all ties in to the development of individual and group identity. Just to piece it together.
What you learned from their concept:
Firstly, I learned that our physical health can be compromised by socioeconomic and political issues as these. For example, Marilyn states gender wage gap are associated with increased morbidity and mortality rates in females! It is overwhelming to know how these injustices that happened in the past are still existing and happening today and how history has such a stronghold on our identities today.

Thank you for the informational post,