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EDL 688 MDE Common Assessment Template

Part A: School and Community Relationships for School Leaders

Using the information obtained in your interview assignment and research, you will do the following:

In a narrative of no more than one to two pages (1-2), please address the following criteria:

  1. What are two areas of perception and needs of the school and community?

  2. What is the uniqueness/diversity of families within this school community?    

Please type your narrative below and remember to double space and follow APA format:

Academic Support and Achievement: Both school staff and community members in the Jones County area, have certain expectations and assumptions that students need increased instruction and assistance in their schooling. Extra academic arrangements like remedial classes, extensions, and classes for school summer terms and other break periods, and student support services for basic learning areas, including but not limited to mathematics and English, are also needed. The community further feels that academic success is the only paramount achievement and that extra efforts to close those gaps are required.

Parental and Community Engagement: Another area that needs improvement is parents' and communities' participation in school. Although parents are often incorporated through activities and messages, they still feel that they are not genuinely included in the school’s activities. The parents surveyed indicated that they lacked adequate information about and participation in their children’s educational processes and hence felt unable to support their children as they should.

What is the uniqueness/diversity of families within this school community?

The Jones County school community bears great diversity in ethnicity, culture, and economic status. There are many children from multilingual households and multiple children from homes where they learn English as a second language which dictates the need for efficient language support provisions. It encompasses both regular users and newcomers, which makes the contribution of ideas and enriches the views of the society. There are significant disparities in students’ socio-economic backgrounds, with some families struggling financially, so the school must offer quality and inclusive programs to prevent biases against certain groups of learners. Such conditions enhance the diversity and cultural competence of the school and demand adequate ways for how all the students and their families can be provided for properly.

Using the template below, please fill in the following:

  1. Strategies for collaboration to meet the identified needs (at least two)

  2.  Short Term Goals (at least two)

  3.  Long term Goals (at least two)

  4.  Timeframe for Implementation of the strategies and goals.

Strategies for Collaboration and to meet the identified needs

  1. Implementing a Comprehensive Academic Support Program:

Strengthen and diversify with after-school academic help, mainly in math, English, and social sciences.

Offer training for teachers to intervene and correct educational problems because they lack some techniques for handling many students.

  1. Enhancing Parental and Community Engagement:

A community liaison should be introduced to help solve communication problems that might arise between the school and the families.

Scheduling special Parent’s Association meetings that involve seminars and usage of examples of the teaching process at home.

Short Term Goals

1. Launch After-School Tutoring Programs: Start with trials on main subjects like math or reading, evaluating the results and the take-up rate within a defined period of time.

2. Host Monthly Parent Workshops: These workshops are based on the school's needs and target student assistance with homework, literacy, and assistance accessing available school resources.

Long term Goals

1. Sustain and Expand Academic Support Services: There is evidence of feedback and results that widening the tutoring programs offering more subjects and, perhaps, online supporting services is advisable.

2. Develop a Robust Parent Engagement Framework: Effort to engage the parents consistently through feedback, frequent status, and progress reports, as well as developmentally appropriate activities appropriate to the community’s culture.

Timeframe for Implementation

Short-term Goals: Introduce the after-school program in the first semester of school and become involved in the monthly parent meeting.

Long-Term Goals: Within the next two to three years, broaden and strengthen the academic support services while also developing a solid framework for engaging the students' parents, incorporating the feedback received, and periodically implementing changes.

Part B and D

Determine the strengths and areas of growth that re needed for the school and community

Oak Park Elementary has numerous strengths in its focused academic interventions and professional development for teachers, particularly in essential content areas, including mathematics and language arts (MDE, 2024). Furthermore, the appointment of a community liaison and the implementation of focused Parent’s Association meetings increase parental and community involvement. However, areas of improvement are adding more resources to embrace a wider spectrum of subjects and students, as well as involving a larger segment of the community. In order to maintain and enhance these programs, process evaluation and feedback, in addition to annual cultural competence training sessions, are crucial. Continuously soliciting feedback and adopting a more relaxed schedule as part of an effective parent engagement framework will also guarantee the inclusion of all community members in the school’s progress.

Incorporate how the strategies and goals you created (Part A) would include stakeholder inclusion in the decisions that would strengthen learning and school progress. 

The strategies and goals proposed in Part A focus on stakeholder engagement and selection by actively incorporating both internal and external stakeholders. The Comprehensive Academic Support Program will incorporate teacher impressions of the child and the student learning outcomes to inform the approaches to be taken. Effective Parental and Community Participation will entail efficient parent meetings and consultation and the appointment of a community relations officer. Evaluations that include family and community members at least once a month will ensure the strategies and objectives are being developed with current data. In this way, decision-making reflects the consensus of a number of people, and the educational process as well as the development of a school becomes more effective and consistent with the overall efforts of a single collective.

Part B: Focus on trends as revealed by both quantitative and qualitative data analysis found in print and public records and analyze the trends with community partners. Document your resources. (The instructor will direct candidates as to how many interviews and/or resources to include.) (NELP 5.2, PSEL 8.F)

Analyzing the quantitative data, we can notice that the students are underperforming in both maths and English and are frequently absent from school. Paper surveys and interviews reveal that parents and teachers believe there is insufficient academic assistance and parental involvement. Engaging these trends with community collaborators, such as businesses and non-profits, shows the need for improved after-school tutoring or better communication with families. Such collaborations call for the adoption of effective support programs and parental training sessions to curb such problems. Evaluation evidence included school performance data, community needs assessment, and communications that took place with various stakeholders to address academic achievement and community engagement.

Part D:  Identify, through interviews and research, how best to engage families, students, and school personnel to strengthen learning and school progress, as a result of diversity (the racial make-up, family makeup, nationalities, languages spoken, religions, housing, and job types/growth). Document your resources. (The instructor will direct candidates as to how many interviews and/or resources to include.) (NELP 5.2, PSEL 8.F)

Per conversation with Dr. Leaner Bridges II (2024) and research show the following approaches to show how to involve multicultural families, students, and school staff. It is necessary to provide multilingual communication and translation services to address the needs of families that do not speak English. This shows that cultural competence training for staff can promote an inclusive environment. Cultural-related activities such as celebrations of different nationalities and religions performances and workshops can foster togetherness. Scheduling meetings at different times and using a range of communication technologies help increase parents' engagement. Working with other organizations can help in solving problems related to housing and job growth among students. Sources include interviews with parents, teachers, and community members, overcomes, and research on best practices for diverse populations to improve academic achievement and school success.

Using the school's demographical information and data how you will involve internal and external stakeholders (families, students, teachers, community leaders, etc)?

According to the data from Mississippi Department of Education, demographic analysis of Oak Park Elementary, targeted strategies will be used to involve internal and external stakeholders. Communication with families will be conducted in multiple languages and during the parents’ convenient time. Students will be engaged in feedback sessions and cultural activities; their input will be valued. Teachers will be trained on issues to do with cultural competence and will help in the formulation of support services for students. Schools will engage the community representatives in advisory committees to ensure that their undertakings are inclusive of the community’s needs. There will be regular workshops and meetings to ensure constant communication of the all parties involved. Such an approach, backed by population statistics, guarantees diverse input into processes and thereby optimizes academic achievement and school development.

What are the strengths of your goals and strategies to include internal and external stakeholders in the decision-making that would strengthen learning and progress in your school and community?

The main strength of the goals and strategies is that they are integrated and address internal and external stakeholders' interests. This way, the multilingual communication and engagement opportunities help families, students, teachers, and community leaders to be involved more in the decision-making processes. Cultural competence training aims at increasing the level of staff's knowledge about culturally diverse populations and ways to work with them. Besides, the formation of advisory committees with community elders enhances partnerships that align school activities with community goals. These are followed by feedback loops and workshops that ensure constant communication and updates the process. These strengths allow all stakeholders to feel valued and enabled in the process of developing the school and enhancing the learning of students and members of the wider society.

Area of growth that is needed in order to include the stakeholders in the decision-making process.

One of the areas of development that could be enhanced to incorporate the stakeholders in the decision-making process is accessing them. This includes making sure that the minority or those less fortunate are given an opportunity and recognized in all policy-making forums. Some of the approaches may include means to ensure other forms of support for participation are offered, for instance, child care or transport means, and, more importantly, looking for ways of incorporating different views. Other factors that are important in the achievement of full stakeholder engagement are trust and the establishment of a communication network, which should be created to ensure that any hurdles that restrict the optimum engagement of the stakeholder are eliminated. Thus, it is crucial to ensure that all the aspects of the decision-making process are fair and not have a bias towards a particular group of people.

How will you sustain or strengthen your program for success?


I'll leverage our program's strengths, such as its inclusivity and responsiveness to stakeholder needs. Our multilingual communication and flexible engagement opportunities ensure broad participation. Cultural competence training for staff enhances collaboration across diverse backgrounds.

Area of Growth

An area needing development is deeper representation and accessibility. We must ensure marginalized voices are heard and valued, addressing any barriers to full participation.

Plan to sustain or Strengthen

To sustain success, I'll establish regular feedback mechanisms and seek additional resources for broader representation. Building trust through open communication and prioritizing inclusivity will strengthen our program's impact and relevance.


Bridges, Leander. (2024, May 22). Personal interview.

Mississippi Department of Education (MDE). https://msrc.mdek12.org/entity?EntityID=3420-024&SchoolYear=2022

Part C

Describe the community

The economic activity of the community in which Oak Park Elementary School is located in Laurel, Mississippi, is hereby described as mixed. Oak Park community in Laurel, Mississippi is a vibrant and diverse neighborhood surrounding the Oak Park School. The community is predominantly African American, with a strong sense of its cultural history and heritage. The neighborhood is home to both more recent buildings and renovations as well as older residences, some of which date back to the early 20th century. Families in the community are from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, including middle-class, wealthy, and low-income ones. Oak Park is renowned for having a strong feeling of community, with locals frequently getting together for social gatherings, holidays, and cultural festivals. The neighborhood has a long history, and African Americans in the area benefited much from the education and development provided by the previous Oak Park Vocational School. It consists of such financial assets as small businesses, local industries, and potential for economic development. Community resources include roads, utilities, and other public amenities, which can be well-developed in some neighborhoods and poorly developed in other neighborhoods. Of course, some areas may have fresh and well-developed roads and bridges, while others may have old structures and little or no investment. Community amenities refer to facilities such as parks and sports amenities, which enhance the dwellers' standard of living through recreation.

Provide specific examples of partnerships developed or planned that would open lines of communication between the school and community.

Oak Park Elementary is inviting the community to join the Laurel School District Community Engagement Council (CEC) meeting to foster communication and empower individuals to advocate for the community and schools effectively. Some of these collaborations have been established or proposed to enhance effective communication between Oak Park Elementary School and the community. An example is coming up with partnerships with local companies to create tutorship where employees come forward and offer their services in tutoring the students. This partnership is beneficial not only for schools and businesses but also provides students with a better understanding of what they can do after graduation and how their courses will be useful in real life. Another example is to collaborate with Mississippi Power. Per conversation with Alvin Charles, an employee at Mississippi Power, the Energy Efficiency Education Program Hall of Fame, in which an energy efficiency education expert comes to demonstrate ways for students to be more energy efficient at home. Each participant will have their own energy efficiency kit. These cooperative activities not only foster community involvement but also allow the parents and the residents to engage with the school's staff and students in social, casual ways. In addition, developing relations with religious organizations can open the possibilities for continuous discussion and cooperation. For example, the school can partner with churches to organize family-oriented activities or welfare assistance for students. Further, working together with the local government agencies or elected representatives would help in addressing the concerns, including the development of infrastructures for enhancing public facilities or addressing issues of security. Thus, utilizing these various kinds of partnerships, Oak Park Elementary School can improve communication and develop the necessary interest of individuals surrounding the school.

Describe how you will Include governance, religious, and economic entities for productive partnerships with the school.

Engaging the governance, religious, and economic stakeholders as productive partners with Oak Park Elementary School requires specific strategies that would appeal to their self-interest and resourcefulness. Firstly, interactions with governance entities, including local government officials, city councils, and school boards, are vital. This can be done by attending meetings, engaging in community activities, and being involved in decision-making. Educational objectives can then be aligned with the goals and policies of the wider community with the aim of developing partnerships in areas like resource mobilization, infrastructure, and policy. Secondly, working with religious organizations provides a chance for moral and spiritual development. Some of the activities that people of faith may engage in in partnership with churches, synagogues, mosques, and other faith communities include volunteerism, character building, and community service programs. Such partnerships not only add resources and support for students but also reinforce values and cultural understanding. Thirdly, incorporating economic entities such as companies, chambers, and industries becomes crucial for the skill development of human capital and overall economic progress. Through cooperation with local industries, schools can develop internships, job shadowing, and other career-related events for students. Equally, working together with the economic stakeholders in education projects, fundraising, and sponsorships helps cement the bond between the school and business people, hence enhancing the growth of both institutions.

EDL 688 Part E: Template

Looking over the data that you have collected and reported in Parts A-D, you will complete the chart template for Part E information that you have collected. Please address each of the following criteria in your answer:

1. Description of the trends you have discovered in your research over Parts A-D

    • Trends over time of student academic growth

    • Trends over time for educational access for students within the community

    • Trends over time of academic strengths and weaknesses of the school

2. What strategies would you include to engage all stakeholders in two-way communication to support the progress?

3. How will you sustain the strategies over time?

Please use the template below to enter your information.

Trends over time of student academic growth

At Oak Park Elementary School, educators can analyze assessment data by utilizing standardized test scores, formative assessments, and other academic data to gauge student performance over time. By comparing scores from various time points, they can pinpoint trends in academic growth and progress.

At Oak Park Elementary School, educators can monitor individual students’ progress across multiple academic years to grasp their growth trajectory. They should observe each student's development to identify patterns of consistent improvement, stagnation, or decline in performance.

Trends over time for educational access for students within the community

Within the Oak Park Elementary School community, it is crucial to evaluate the extent of parental engagement in their children's education and the resources available to assist parents in actively engaging in their child's educational progress.

In the Oak Park Elementary School community, it is important to explore the partnerships between schools, community organizations, and businesses. These collaborations aim to offer students additional learning opportunities and resources beyond the traditional classroom setting.

Trends over time of academic strengths and weaknesses of the school

At Oak Park Elementary School, educators can examine standardized test scores across various subjects and grade levels over several years to spot enduring patterns in academic performance.

Within Oak Park Elementary School, educators can make use of student growth data to monitor both individual progress and overall trends in academic growth throughout the school.

What strategies would you include to engage all stakeholders in two-way communication to support the progress?

At Oak Park Elementary School, administrators can distribute surveys and feedback forms to collect input from stakeholders on different aspects of the school, including academic programs, extracurricular activities, and the overall school climate.

At Oak Park Elementary School, regular parent-teacher conferences are scheduled to discuss the progress of each student, establish academic goals, and address any concerns or questions from both parents and teachers.

How will you sustain the strategies over time?

At Oak Park Elementary School, it is essential to uphold continuous communication by keeping open channels with stakeholders to remind them of upcoming conferences and surveys, highlighting the significance of their involvement.

At Oak Park Elementary School, it is crucial to engage in feedback analysis by actively reviewing the input gathered from surveys to pinpoint areas for enhancement and adapt strategies to tackle concerns raised by stakeholders.


Charles, Alvin. (2024, May 22). Personal interview.

Crivellaro, C., Taylor, A., Vlachokyriakos, V., Comber, R., Nissen, B., & Wright, P. (2016, May). Re-Making Places: HCI,'Community Building'and Change. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2958-2969