Reflection 1 - OEVC Choose 3 products you might be interested in purchasing that are sold on the internet. Visit the website for each product and go through the process as if you were going to purchas

Here is example of how you might develop Reflection 1 from Competency 1 


Reflection 1

Choose 3 products you might be interested in purchasing that are sold on the internet. Visit the website for each product and go through the process as if you were going to purchase the product. 

Reflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words.

Which website did you have the best buying experience with? Why do you think that is? ‘

Which website did you have the worst buying experience with? Why? What economic, social, or environmental value opportunities does this company have?

If you could create the perfect website to sell a product, what features would it have?

 Submit your reflection.

I am going to give you 3 products I have been interested in purchasing that are sold on the Internet.

Here are 3 examples of products you might be interested in purchasing that are sold on the Internet.

Electric bike

Golf clubs

Books on Hybrid Cars

If need a first step just choose 1 of 3 products you might be interested in purchasing that are sold on the Internet.

I have attached below the link of all the website below they are rank high for all 3 products I selected:


Which website did you have the best buying experience with? Why do you think that is?

The website that I had the best experience with was Amazon with Walmart a close second. It was the easiest to navigate and I could easily spot customers reviews of the products. It offered alternative brands of products. As a result, I would select Amazon to have the best overall experience.

Which website did you have the worst buying experience with? Why?

The website I had worst experience is the ebay. They asked me too much questions to get the product information before directing me to the exact location to view alternative brands all three products.

If you could create the perfect website to sell a product on, what features would it have?

· Easy access – simple as possible for everyone who will visit my website to have and a easy transaction.

·  Easy to use check out process- easy check out option, such as getting information from the customers who have purchased before and are in a hurry on buying the products.

· Effective use of Words for options- I would select certain words that everyone would recognize who is in the market to buy all three products. Not like the other website who use unfamiliar words especially when a new buyers in the website.