CASE/BUS520 Business Analytics & Intelligence Reporting Assignment Overview Presentation You compiled a comprehensive report based on the findings for the Module 4 Session Long Project. It inclu

BUS520 SLP 4

BUS520 SLP 4

Trident University International

BUS Business Analytics and Decision Making

June 23, 2024

After COVID-19, Various industries experienced substantial growth. Although COVID-19 introduced economic challenges, organizations were resilient and kept growing. This report will comprehensively analyze the motivation, satisfaction, and performance of workers in different industries.

Case 1 on industry overview

Case 1 covered the overview of the coffee and snack industry within the US, which has experienced immense popularity over the years. According to reports from the IBIS world, between 2019 and 2023, over fifty-four billion dollars' worth of wealth was generated over the years. Specifically, in 2024, the industry has been exposed to higher consumer spending due to increased job availability. However, there is intensive competition in the industry due to low startup costs, which leads to more market entrants. Over 860,000 people have been employed in the industry, while Starbucks is the leader with over eighteen billion dollars in revenue. Based on the histogram analysis, there is a negative skew, meaning there are more positive reviews, showing higher employee commitment.

Case 2 on Departmental Job Satisfaction

This project involved an analysis of job satisfaction, which is essential to ensure workers are happy. The ANOVA was used to evaluate satisfaction extrinsic and intrinsic motivation across various departments. Based on the initial ANOVA, the supervisors were happier than the frontline workers, although managers reported the least satisfaction. In contrast, the second ANOVA sought to evaluate the intrinsic motivations. The results were that the supervisors were the most satisfied. The p-value was 3.822222 e-94, meaning that the null hypothesis was rejected. (Thrane, 2022). Therefore, the department was an essential motivating factor. The ANOVA analysis showed that supervisors were the most satisfied.

SLP 2 on hypothesis testing

Testing the hypothesis is essential to determine whether the research questions will be rejected or accepted. This study used the t-test to evaluate the satisfaction and extrinsic and intrinsic motivations of different genders. The results showed that the men were more motivated and satisfied in the organization than the females. The males also have higher intrinsic motivations due to lower p-value and higher t-statistic. There was also a difference in the organizational commitment since males were more committed than females. This means that organizations should develop gender-centric factors to boost motivation. (Peck et al., 2020). 

SLP 3 on correlation analysis

Through correlation analysis, it is possible to evaluate relations between different organizational factors. This project sought to evaluate the relationship between satisfaction and commitment. A -0.01543 correlation coefficient was found between commitment and job satisfaction, meaning a fragile relationship existed. The scatterplot also showed that the relationship was weak due to the equation of y=−0.0182x+4.2083. The relationship between commitment and job satisfaction also showed a poor relationship due to the coefficient of -0.04924. The scatterplot's equation was y=−0.062x+4.8335, meaning the relationship was poor. There was a moderate relationship between commitment and extrinsic satisfaction. The results showed that the organization should check on other factors not related to commitment that will improve satisfaction. (Ramola et al. 2020). For example, having career development programs and better working conditions will help promote growth within the organization.


The analysis shows that employee performance and satisfaction could be improved gradually. It has also shown that management should further assess factors that have affected performance and satisfaction in different genders and departments. Through individualized programs, employee's motivations and productivity will improve.

Executive summary

This paper evaluated different elements affecting employee performance, motivation, and satisfaction within different industries. Comprehensive statistical analysis will be conducted using t-tests, ANOVA, and regression analysis to understand how commitment is affected by satisfaction. Different variables used in the study include extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, gender, and departments. The results showed a difference in satisfaction among various departments and genders. Additionally, the supervisors had higher motivation levels, especially the men. However, there is a weak relation between performance and satisfaction, meaning additional factors should be implemented to improve performance. The report concludes that organizations should develop more strategies to increase worker's productivity and motivation.


Peck, R., Short, T., & Olsen, C. (2020). Introduction to statistics and data analysis. Cengage Learning.

Ramola, A., Shakya, A. K., & Van Pham, D. (2020). Study of statistical methods for texture analysis and their modern evolutions. Engineering Reports2(4), e12149.

Thrane, C. (2022). Doing statistical analysis: A student's guide to quantitative research. Routledge.