DEI module six

Yvette Gomez

3 hours ago

Hello Cshidana, my question to you would be, why do you think members of the LGBTQ+ community choose to not seek medical help because of the fear of being stigmatized? Do you think it is because of their environment or how they maybe had to hide who they were for so long?

I never realized that they are such an affected minority group. I would have never guessed that because of their sexual orientation, they would be discriminated against in the healthcare facilities. Mental health is important for everyone and it would most definitely help if health insurances covered the costs. Health insurance coverage is so expensive to not be providing these services.


Nelgenk Lozano-Garcia

3 minutes ago

Hello Cshidana

Your poster clearly outlines the challenges the LGBTQ+ community faces in accessing healthcare. The inclusion of disparities, such as mental health assistance and awareness of sexual orientation, is outlined clearly and provides a comprehensive view of the issue. An area of improvement would be to provide more specific statistics, such as the percentage of LGBTQ+ individuals who have experienced discrimination in healthcare settings, to further support the content. These statistics will provide concrete evidence of the issue discussed. I would like to ask what specific strategies or programs you recommend for healthcare institutions to better address the needs of the LGBTQ+ community.