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Nurse Burnout

Nurse Burnout

Nurse burnout is a critical issue in health systems that affects the quality of the delivery of healthcare services. It can be described as emotional exhaustion, lack of compassion, and a diminished sense of accomplishment in the nursing profession. This has implications for the quality of services offered to patients, the level of morale among staff, and the productivity of the institution. Nurses who are burnt out are dissatisfied with their jobs, have a high turnover rate, and could potentially endanger the lives of the patients through mistakes or carelessness. Burnout also leads to staff turnover and worsens other human resources challenges within healthcare settings, which are still major concerns. It is the responsibility of the nurse leaders to champion change since they are the ones tasked with the responsibility of developing a favorable working environment, establishing frameworks that enable staff to manage stress, and supporting efforts towards changing organizational culture. More specifically, for nurse leaders, it is important to realize that it is important to address burnout as part of supporting the staff members and the patients, as well as the quality of the care that is offered. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the factors contributing to nurse burnout, its potential consequences, potential approaches for its prevention, and the important role of nurse managers in addressing this issue to ensure the well-being and proactivity of the nursing workforce.

Review of Literature

For this research endeavor, two primary databases were utilized: the CINAHL cumulated index to nursing and allied health literature and the PubMed database. CINAHL was identified for its ability to search the full extent of the nursing literature, while PubMed was chosen to access the broader biomedical literature. The search strategy involved a focus on the last five years in order to capture current and most relevant studies. Keywords were selected purposefully to cover the essence of the topic of discussion, which include "Nurse Burnout," "Leadership," and "Strategies." Boolean operators were used to retrieve results specifically related to the focus of the study. The three search terms used in CINAHL were "Nurse Burnout" AND "Leadership," "Nurse Burnout" AND "Strategies," and "Nurse Burnout" AND "Leadership" AND "Strategies." The two search terms used in PubMed were "Nurse Burnout" AND "Leadership" and "Nurse Burnout" AND " Strategies ".

Nurse burnout touches on a wide range of factors that impact both the nurse and the healthcare system. Survey studies show that burnout rates remain high for registered nurses around the world and have downstream effects on patient experiences, staff turnover, and system consequences. Nurse burnout is defined as physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion of the nurse due to factors such as workload, staffing, support and practice environment . They are associated with outcomes such as low job satisfaction, high rate of medical errors, and high risk to patient safety. Furthermore, high levels of nurse burnout have been linked to higher levels of depression and lower quality of life among staff nurses. Reducing the issue of nurse burnout requires intervention strategies that involve both personal restoration and organizational support, with the nurse leaders being primarily responsible for promoting organizational advancement and cultivating environments that are healthy for the nurses.

Nurse burnout is of significant concern to healthcare organizations as it is rife among nurses across the globe and poses risk to the standard of care offered by health institutions. It entails designing this systematic review in order to present the current state of literature regarding the concept of nurse burnout and how it can be addressed through leadership. To structure the review, the author presents a series of common themes that are relevant to the understanding of nurse burnout, which include the etiology of nurse burnout, outcomes of nurse burnout, and leadership strategies for addressing nurse burnout and enhancing their well-being. The causes of nursing burnout include work overload, staffing shortages, lack of support from managers and colleagues, and a negative organizational environment. Carvalho et al. (2019) identified that biological workloads had a direct relationship with burnout among nurses, thereby emphasizing the physical strain experienced by the nursing workforce .

Nurse burnout is essential as it affects both the nurses and the health system. In a meta-analysis study, Chen & Meier (2021) found that burnout has a positive relationship with depression among nurses, meaning that there are mental health effects of burnout. In addition, Khatatbeh et al. (2022) noted that nurses with burnout were more likely to have a lower quality of life, highlighting the effects on this domain. Notably, burnout has been shown to negatively affect patients as it leads to poor quality of care, increased rate of medical error, and compromised patient safety (Dall’Ora et al., 2020; Jin et al., 2023). These observations point to the imperative of addressing burnout in order to maintain patients’ safety and quality of care. Nurse leaders bear the responsibility of providing solutions to the issue of burnout as well as promoting conditions that support the health of the nurses. According to Mahmoud and Rothenberger (2019), resilience-enhancing interventions should be addressed by individual practitioners and hospitals. Some of these interventions may be stress management programs, mentoring programs, and organizational health promotion programs. In the work of Parola et al. (2022), the authors call for a new perspective on the prevention and treatment of burnout, which entails promoting a healthy workplace within healthcare facilities. Furthermore, Waddill-Goad (2023) discusses leadership’s role in the enhancement of professionalism, teamwork, and quality patient care. These leadership strategies are centered around developing organizational cultures that foster nurse resiliency and reduce burnout risk .

The synthesis of the literature reveals the multifaceted relationships among variables at the individual and organizational levels that may lead to nurse burnout. Mitigating burnout involves a two-pronged approach focusing on the individual and organizational levels based on strong leadership. The solutions that should be employed by nurse leaders include enhancing work environments, promoting effective interventions, and establishing wellness promotion cultures within healthcare systems. By fixing the sources of burnout and enhancing the ability of nurses to endure challenges, burnout affects both the workers and the quality of care that patients receive.


Carvalho, D. P. D., Rocha, L. P., Pinho, E. C. D., Tomaschewski-Barlem, J. G., Barlem, E. L. D., & Goulart, L. S. (2019). Workloads and burnout of nursing workers. Revista brasileira de enfermagem72, 1435- 1441 .

Chen, C., & Meier, S. T. (2021). Burnout and depression in nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies124, 104099 .

Dall’Ora, C., Ball, J., Reinius, M., & Griffiths, P. (2020). Burnout in nursing: a theoretical review. Human resources for health18, 1- 17 .

Jin, T., Zhou, Y., & Zhang, L. (2023). Job stressors and burnout among clinical nurses: a moderated mediation model of need for recovery and career calling.  BMC nursing22(1), 388 .

Khatatbeh, H., Pakai, A., Al‐Dwaikat, T., Onchonga, D., Amer, F., Prémusz, V., & Oláh, A. (2022). Nurses’ burnout and quality of life: A systematic review and critical analysis of measures used. Nursing Open9(3), 1564- 1574 .

Mahmoud, N. N., & Rothenberger, D. (2019). From burnout to well-being: a focus on resilience. Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery32(06), 415- 423 .

Parola, V., Coelho, A., Neves, H., Bernardes, R. A., Sousa, J. P., & Catela, N. (2022). Burnout and nursing care: A concept paper. Nursing Reports12(3), 464- 471 .

Waddill-Goad, S. (2023). Beyond Burnout: Overcoming Stress in Nursing & Healthcare for Optimal Health & Well-being. Sigma Theta Tau .