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Nurse Burnout


Organizational-Level Solutions to Address Nurse Burnout

Implementation of Nurse Resilience Training Programs

A study by Mahmoud & Rothenberger (2019) identified that resilience-building interventions could significantly reduce nurse burnout. At the third level, organizational solutions may include the provision of resilience training for the nursing workforce. These can be single sessions such as a workshop, a seminar, or a series of support groups designed to improve coping skills, stress reduction, and regulation of emotions. Feasibility: While adopting resilience training programs may entail some costs, such as resources and personnel training, the outcomes outweigh the costs. However, the long-term gains, such as reduced turnover, increased job satisfaction, and better patient outcomes, can outweigh the expenses.

Enhancement of Staffing Levels and Workload Management

Nurse staffing and workload distribution are two important aspects that offer protection to nurses against burnout. Some ideas that can be adopted by the organizations include recruiting more workers, modifying the ratios of nurses to patients, and adopting flexible working hours in order to ease the burden on the nurses. Nevertheless, measures that may help to address the problem adequately are workload monitoring systems or predictive analytics. Despite a positive correlation between an increase in staffing and organizational operating costs, the evidence shows that the benefits of having contented nurses, decreased turnover, and better patient care outcomes are well worth the investment .

Promotion of a Supportive Organizational Culture

The management of burnout in the nurses requires an effective organizational culture to be fostered. Leaders can create organizational culture where communication is free, there is psychological safety and there is respect in the form of encouragement of the nurses and they have a voice. Buddy systems, training of coaches, and feedback systems may be used to enhance satisfaction and productivity of the staff. Additionally, rewarding staff performance, enhancing training and development, offering incentives, and focusing on staff well-being could also help in the creation of a positive work environment (Pagán-Castaño et al., 2020). Organizational culture change is a daunting task that needs constant effort from leadership, communication, and teamwork. However, the process of cultural change is gradual and requires hard work and resources, but the gains include employee satisfaction, retention, and enhanced organizational performance .

Nurse Leader Solutions in Practice

In practice, nurse leaders may use several approaches to manage nurse burnout. For instance, a nurse leader can arrange daily staff huddle meetings to address concerning cases and help staff members handle stress and learn from their experiences. Moreover, the nurse leaders may also recommend more staffing solutions, including hiring more nurses or redistributing workload across the nursing team.

Best Solution with Rationale

Out of the organizational-level solutions mentioned above, Nurse Resilience Training Programs appear to be the most effective intervention strategies that can be adopted to tackle the issue of burnout among nurses. The findings indicate that resilience training programs enhance the coping skills and emotional strength of nurses to handle stressful work environments. Thus, promoting resilience can assist nursing staff members in addressing the demands placed on them, preventing staff burnout, and improving the quality of life.

Similarities & Differences with Nurse Leader Solutions

The best solution is consistent with some of the approaches used by nurse leaders in practice, namely enhancing a positive organizational climate and addressing staff’s emotional needs. Nonetheless, Nurse Resilience Training Programs are a more extensive, strategic approach to solving burnout issues at the organizational level, while solutions that involve a nurse leader often provide personalized care and urgent measures (Olaleye et al., 2022).


Nurse burnout remains a critical issue in healthcare facilities, affecting the well-being of nurses as well as the quality of care that patients receive. These facets of the issue relate to workload, staffing, and organizational culture within contexts of burnout. Nurse burnout poses significant consequences in the provision of care, resulting in decreased job satisfaction, high levels of medical mistakes, and reduced patient safety. Thus, the proposed strategy is the implementation of Nurse Resilience Training Programs, which seems to be the most effective way to prevent burnout and support the mental health of nurses. Nurse leaders must step up to the task of addressing this problem by promoting a supportive working environment, adopting effective interventions, and ensuring an organizational culture that embraces wellness.


Mahmoud, N. N., & Rothenberger, D. (2019). From burnout to well-being: a focus on resilience. Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery32(06), 415- 423 .

Olaleye, T. T., Christianson, T. M., & Hoot, T. J. (2022). Nurse burnout and resiliency in critical care nurses: A scoping review. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences17, 100461 .

Pagán-Castaño, E., Maseda-Moreno, A., & Santos-Rojo, C. (2020). Well-being in work environments. Journal of Business Research115, 469- 474 .