You must respond to two students. Always construct your responses in a word processing program like Word. Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical errors. Make the corrections and save the file to


1, Describe a dilemma the nurse may face when caring for Mr. Thorson.  Suggest an approach for dealing with this type of dilemma

A dilemma that the nurse may face when caring for Mr. Thorson is if Mr. Thorson  refuses care due to religion, cultural, or personal beliefs. As a nurse we should be empathetic to the patient and provide care with respect of the patient’s wishes. We should be educating the patient about the plan of care and if the patient refuses for any reason we must respect their decision even if it may have a poor outcome. According to Vermont Ethnic Networks,” treatment given over objection violates the ethical guideline of respect for persons and can only be justified in specific situations (Right to Refuse Treatment, 2024). As a nurse, we should understand and support the patient, reflect on our role as a nurse as well as educate, and document the decision of what the patient wanted.



2, Describe a dilemma the nurse may face when caring for Mr. Thorson.  Suggest an approach for dealing with this type of dilemma

     When caring for Mr. Thorson, a dilemma a nurse may face is balancing patient autonomy with the duty to provide necessary care, particularly if Mr. Thorson refuses care due to religious, cultural, or personal beliefs. To address this, the nurse should engage in compassionate conversations to understand the reasons behind the refusal. Clear education about the condition and proposed treatment, using simple language and visuals, helps dispel misconceptions and fears. Demonstrating empathy and respect for the patient's beliefs is essential, avoiding coercion or judgment. Exploring alternative care options in collaboration with the healthcare team, including cultural liaisons or spiritual counselors, can align with the patient's preferences. Encouraging informed decision-making by weighing risks and benefits, while providing support for discussions with family, fosters patient autonomy. Thorough documentation of discussions and the patient's decision ensures transparency and adherence to institutional policies. Regular follow-up reassesses preferences and offers ongoing support. In cases where refusal poses significant risk, involving the healthcare team and ethical consult is crucial, ensuring decisions align with ethical principles and legal guidelines. By approaching the dilemma with empathy and a commitment to patient-centered care, nurses uphold autonomy while ensuring the patient's well-being (Vermont Ethnic Networks, 2024