SLP/LED 520 Cross Cultural Communication and Leadership Please watch the following two Leadership Channel videos, then read the instructions and complete your SLP assignment: Films Media Group. (200

LED520 Module 1 Session Long Project Checklist (Rev.5-3-15)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENT: After you complete your references section in your assignment, copy and paste this grading rubric to your Word document and use it as a checklist to help make sure you covered all the required content, structure, and mechanical expectations.

Content (Student should structure the paper into sections below.)

Student should use mark the box below as a checklist.

Student Notes

Section 1- Introduction ( Use this header):, describes what the memo is going to be about; it mentions the upcoming sections.

Section 2- My Scores on 4 Factors ( Use this header): Answer the following question: What is your score on strategy, knowledge, motivation and behavior?

Section 3- My Strengths & Weaknesses ( Use this header): Answer this question, what does this tell you about your capacity for task performance and adjustment (strengths and weaknesses)

Section 4- Lessons Learned ( Use this header): Answer this question: How does this assessment complement what else you have learned in this module (from the readings, Case, Discussion)?

Section 5- References ( Use this header): has at least 2 peer-reviewed/scholarly references from the databases within the CyberLibrary. The references are also integrated within the paper.

Section 6- Grading Rubric ( Use this header): contains this grading rubric.

Organization / Development

Student should use mark the box below as a checklist.

Student Notes

The 6 required sections are organized separately in sequence as listed in the Content section.

The memo is at least 2 full pages in length (excluding references and headers) size 12 Times New Roman font with double spacing text.

Each section is labelled with the header prescribed above.


Student should use mark the box below as a checklist.

Student Notes

Formatting or layout and graphics are pleasing to the eye (font, colors, spacing).

Rules of grammar, word usage, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are followed.

Sentences are complete, clear, varied, and concise with proper syntax.

Used size 12 Times New Roman font for main body text and References.

Used double spacing between sentences and in References section.