Group Discussion -

Group Discussion

Should the national minimum wage be increased? Raising the minimum wage has been a hotly debated topic for a long time. It is an issue that many believe that the government needs to intervene while others argue that the market should determine wages. The supply and demand model and related concepts is a good tool that can be applied to analyze the issue. In your initial post, address the following:

  • Use economic concepts and principles to support your position on this topic.

  • After addressing the economics of the debate, you may add on any social issues related to the debate.

  • To cover both sides of the issue, the class is being divided by the first letter in your last name.

A – M: Will make the initial post in favor of increasing the minimum wage.

N – Z: Will make the initial post in opposition of increasing the minimum wage. (Theresa)

In addition to your textbook and lecture, you may find the following resources helpful in getting started.

CBO: The Budgetary Effects of the Raise the Wage Act of 2021

Hundreds of Organizations Call on Congress to Pass the Raise the Wage Act of 2021

Advantages and Disadvantages of Raising Federal Minimum Wage to 15 dollars

Raising the federal minimum wage to 15 dollars by 2025 would lift the pay of 32 million workers

In order to engage in an active discussion environment, submit your initial discussion post by Wednesday.  For detailed grading criteria, refer to the Discussion Rubric.