Topic - Write an Information Paper and answer: What are the tools and techniques that aid the planning team with framing operational environments? Expectation - Using a new sterile MS Word document, w

Information Paper


03 JUL 2024

SUBJECT: Army Design Methodology

1. Purpose: To provide on overview on the Army Design Methodology.

2. Facts:

a. The Army Design Methodology will be used upon receipt of Warning Order (WARNO), Operation Order (OPORD), or Task Order (TASKORD). Dependent on planning time, and available manpower one or a combination of the following methods will be used to plan the task The Army Design Methodology, The Military Decision-Making Process, or Troop Leading Procedures.

b. The Army Design Methodology is a multi-system approach used to address complex and ambiguous operational challenges. It provides a structured base for understanding, visualizing, and achieving desired results for various situations.

c. The Army Design Methodology should be used when faced with situations that can be impacted by many variables such as political environment, other military factors, economic factors, social factors, infrastructure factors, the physical environment, and time (PMESII-PT).

d. The Army Design Methodology is a valuable tool that can be use in a wide range of scenarios especially when working with complex and evolving operational challenges. The systematic approach can enhance any organization’s ability to understand, plan, and execute military operations.

e. The Army Design Methodology is best used when an organization has the manpower to assign different areas of a WARNO to separate teams to analyze PMESII-PT and how they would impact the task at hand. I recommend that all planning that takes place uses the Army Design Methodology in sequence with Military Decision-Making Process, and Troop Leading Procedures to achieve the best results.

SSG John Doe

Approved by: COL Phillip E. Schultz