Respond to each question in at least 100 words.

1, Corporate Finance

  • For this discussion, we will delve into the intricate relationship between corporate finance, the corporate life cycle, governance structures, and the broader economic environment. Select a publicly traded company of your choice and analyze its financial statements. Discuss the following:

Identify the stage your chosen company is in of the corporate life cycle. How does this stage reflect in its financial statements?

Briefly discuss the company’s governance structures and their potential impact on its financial decisions. 

How do key economic indicators, like interest rates and inflation, potentially affect the company’s financial performance?

Using the company’s balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows, highlight a key component from each statement. Use one financial ratio to assess the company's financial health.

Provide examples from the company’s financial statements to support your analysis. Respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Offer constructive feedback, pose open-ended questions, or share resources that deepen the understanding of the topic.

  • Response to Kevin

Part I: Hello everyone, my name is Kevin Black and I live in Senoia, Georgia. I'm a Detective Sergeant for a metro Atlanta law enforcement agency where I oversee the Digital Forensics Unit. My future goal is to complete my master's degree and begin a second career in the private sector.

Part II: For this discussion question, I have chosen Amazon Inc. to analyze. In the corporate life cycle, Amazon is in the Corporate Value Management stage. This stage can be seen in its financial statements, as it has shifted focus from rapid growth to sustaining value for stakeholders. With its 2023 report, Amazon successfully increased its operating income and Free Cash Flow to $36.9B (an operating margin of 6.4%).

Amazon utilizes a Board of Directors governance structure, which has the potential to have significant impacts on financial decisions. While there are sub-committees for which specific responsibilities have been delegated, the Board of Directors has overall responsibility and authority.

Like any major corporation, key economic indicators, like interest rates and inflation, are likely to affect financial performance. Amazon has built its primary revenue stream on online retail. If consumers are affected by adverse interest rates or inflation, Amazon's overall revenue will be impacted.

Examining Amazon's balance sheet, the company reduced its total debt by approximately 4.5 billion dollars from December 2022 to December 2023. According to Amazon's income statement, it generated 574.785B in sales revenue over the same period, a sales growth of 11.83%. Amazon's statement of cash flows shows that between 2022 and 2023, its total assets grew to $527.85 billion, with an annual growth of 14.09%. Amazon's current shareholder equity is approximately $216.7 billion, with a total debt of $73.3 billion. This amount equates to a total debt-to-equity ratio of 33.8%, meaning that Amazon's financial health is excellent.

2. Research Methods

  • Describe a quantitative research project you would be interested in starting now or in the near future. Explain the problem and why this would be important for you to study? Why is a quantitative methodology an appropriate research strategy for your project? Then, select a peer post and evaluate the appropriateness of using a quantitative research strategy for their proposed study. Discuss challenges they might encounter using a quantitative methodology.

  • Respond to Andrew

Hello everyone, my name is Andrew,. I'm from Richmond, Virginia and work in DC, Maryland (horrible commute) for a General Contractor as an assistant safety director. I have my BS from VCU..GO RAMS !! I’m working on my master’s degree basically just to finish something I've started but the gain more knowledge to do my job to the best of my abilities but I’ve seen so many injuries and death from the simplest task and knowing if companies would have done one thing different things could have saved a life. My Future goals would to become a instructor or retired lottery winner either would be great.

Part II:

For a qualitative research or project, I would like to examine the correlation between companies that have some kind of electronic management for Safety opposed to the companiens that use a more traditional system such a pen and paper method. I would like to see the near miss, accident/incident, property loss and compare that between a company that has so kind of tech assist managment system such as safety reports or procore or some kind of managing software, I would like to see the difference between the two. I guess from the last 10 years I see a big push on leaning on big tech and I would like to see the hard numbers.

3. Principal of accounting

  • This lesson has suggested that accounting is considered the language of business. Do you agree? Why do you think accounting is the language of business over and above other business functions?

  • Response to Devin

Hello class my name is Devin and I am from the west Georgia area. I am currently employed as an Human Resource administrator for a large staffing agency. My future goals are to earn my bachelors degree in business and then my masters. As for my career goals I would like to become the Vice president of Human Resources in my company.

I agree that accounting is considered the language of business. The reason behind this is that accounting provides a standardized way of recording and reporting financial transactions, which is crucial for making informed business decisions. Accounting translates all business activities into financial statements that stakeholders such as investors, managers, and regulators can understand. This standardized financial information allows for comparison across different companies and time periods, enabling better decision-making and strategic planning. Other business functions, like marketing or operations, are essential too, but they don't provide the same level of standardized, quantifiable data that accounting does. In essence, accounting serves as the common language that communicates the financial health and performance of a business to all its stakeholders.

4. Biology

  • In this unit, you learn about macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Many people have suggested that focusing on one macronutrient at the expense of others would be a superior diet. Thus, we have high-protein diets, high-carbohydrate diets, and high-fat diets. On the flip side, we also have low fat-diets, low-carb diets, and so on. In addition to these, there are other versions such as a gluten-free diet (which is necessary for those truly allergic to wheat), a vegan diet, a raw food diet, and even a blood type diet that is based on particular blood types. Which type of diet do you prefer? Why? Why do you not like the other diets?

  • Response to David

Hello everyone my name is David Ochoa. I am located in Texas and I am currently working for Chevron Phillips Chemical. I have quite a few goals in mind for the near future some that can be easily completed while others may take some effort to do. One of those is complete my ASP certification for construction safety. I am currently a safety coordinator at my job and having that certification will put me in a good position to grow in the company. My short term goal is to be able to pass any science classes I need to take since it is my worse subject in school.

I like doing the high-protein diet since it helps to make me feel fuller through the day. This way I wont be eating as much. Which in term reduces the calories I would take in through out the day which has helped me with loosing weight a couple of times. I would not choose other diets that are more specific since they would be cutting a lot of food at i like to it. I do not want to sacrifice food groups for small gains or no gains at all. Although, high-protein foods do taste good and does not feel like a burden to do.

5. Ecology

  •  Think about the ecological biome that you currently live in or grew up in and share your thoughts with the class. How would you classify your biome – temperate forest, temperate grassland, etc.? What are the dominant types of vegetation and animal species that live there? How have human activities changed your biome over time? 

  • Response to Travis

Hello, my name Travis I’m currently a firefighter in North Georgia. I’ve been a firefighter/paramedic for about 9 years and prior to that I was in the Marine Corps for 5 years. I’m almost done with my associate’s degree in business management, I just have 2 more classes after this semester. I’m pursing this degree to possibly help with promotions and build a resume for later in my career. As for this course it’s what my advisor put me in, but I’m curious to learn something new.

Part II:

I currently live in a temperate deciduous forest biome. It’s a forest structure of northern Georgia, it consists of many plants but mostly canopies of pine and oak with smaller shrubs on the base. We have all four seasons with temperatures ranging from -28 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius. It doesn’t snow often but sometimes we do get light snow. Common animals that live in this region are white tail deer, turkey, hogs, rabbit, squirrels, and some black bear. Also, we have a wide range of freshwater fish species like largemouth bass, white bass, and rainbow trout. Overtime the number of people moving from the city of Atlanta to the less populated area which I live have made for more homes and roads to be built. This led to less places for wildlife to live, so we have less in my area now. There are now more tourist coming to where I live which makes more stores and short term rentals which also make the population of animals and forest life dwindle.

6. Health and Law

  • As a current or aspiring healthcare professional, why would you need to study medical law? Would that not be better left to the lawyers? Explain your rationale.

  • Respond to Rachel

Hello all! My name is Rachel, I live in Oregon and am currently a DSS (Direct support specialist) who supports those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. My future goal is to earn my Master’s degree in healthcare administration and ultimately become an HCO manager or owner. I would love to start a rehabilitation center in my community for those who need access to resources but are unable to attain them, or potentially a community outreach organization that assists those who don't know how to access the resources they need.

It’s essential for those practicing medical care or overseeing it to know and understand the legalities that come along with it. This helps ensure safe and legal practices and protects not only our patients but ourselves by ensuring we know our rights and our client’s rights.