For this assignment you need to submit your research methods section of your paper. You will need to explain how your study would be carried out. What research design and methodology do you plan to us


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Introduction to Cybersecurity

The current advancement in technology and connectivity through the internet gives rise to cyber security as a significant concern to all organizations globally. The specific experience and the consequences of the Columbian cyber-attack, combined with the steadily growing rate of information security threats, underscore the modern world’s susceptibility to various risks associated with globalization. By 2025, global cybercrime damages are projected to reach $10.5 trillion annually, a significant rise from $3 trillion in 2015 (Morgan, 2020). This has clearly underlined that the threat from cyber criminals has increased day by day, and there is a dire need for a proper and strong security mechanism to avoid leakage of information and unsafe disruption of business.

The need to be concerned with cybersecurity is even more compelling because network dependence is spreading across all sectors. Whether organizations deal with finances or managing the health of a society, the need to protect online operations is crucial. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the pace of digital transformation by transitioning many organizations to remote work and online services, increasing their susceptibility to cyber threats. This increased dependence on digital tools and products and the parallel increase in the risk of cyber crimes present a steep challenge that requires solid and impenetrable defenses against cyber attacks and security breaches.

Research Puzzle

Despite substantial investments in cybersecurity, data breaches, and cyber incidents continue to proliferate. This conundrum raises a critical question: Why do some cybersecurity measures fail to block cyber-attacks, and what factors determine their performance? It is essential to comprehend such a phenomenon, as it would make it possible to understand better what factors facilitate the success or failure of cybersecurity activities and critical improvements of the existing models to enhance the efficiency of security management.

Research Question: To what extent do specific cybersecurity measures impact the frequency and severity of cyber-attacks on organizations?

Explanatory Variables

In this study, the independent variables (IV) are various cybersecurity measures, specifically advanced threat detection systems, which are technologies designed to identify and mitigate potential threats in real-time. Employee training programs: Initiatives to educate employees on recognizing and responding to cyber threats. Incident response strategies: Established procedures for addressing and mitigating the effects of cyber-attacks. The dependent variable (DV) is the frequency and severity of cyber-attacks experienced by organizations. This research aims to determine how the implementation of these cybersecurity measures influences the occurrence and impact of cyber-attacks.


That is why if organizations succeed in protecting their digital assets and applying appropriate regularity and stringency of cybersecurity standards, the rates of encountering cyber threats will decline, and the scales of cyber crime will not progress. This hypothesis postulates that better implementation of protective measures against cyber threats will decrease the manifestation of cyber threats and their consequences in the form of security threats (Mızrak, 2023). To prove this hypothesis, the research will use case studies of organizations that have implemented the above-stated types of cybersecurity measures and compare the statistical number of cyber-attack incidents before and after the implementation of the mentioned cybersecurity measures.


Mızrak, F. (2023). Integrating cybersecurity risk management into strategic management: a comprehensive literature review. Research Journal of Business and Management, 10(3), 98-108.

Morgan, S. (2020, November 13). Cybercrime to cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Cybersecurity Ventures. Retrieved from