The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for basic knowledge and understanding of different faith expressions. No ma

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for basic knowledge and understanding of different faith expressions. No ma 1

Death and Dying: Case Analysis

Student Name:

After reading the "Case Study: End-of-Life Decisions" document (or one provided by your instructor) and topic Resources, respond to the following, using only citations from the case and topic Resources:

  1. Based on the case and topic Resources, in 300-400 words, how might the individual(s) interpret their suffering in light of the Christian view of the fallen world and the hope of resurrection?

  1. Based on the case and topic Resources, in 300-400 words, as the individual(s) must contemplate life with their dilemma, how would the Christian worldview inform their view about the value of life as a person?

  1. Based on the case and topic Resources, in 300-400 words, how does the concept of suffering in a Christian worldview inform their deliberations about the choices they will make?

  1. Based on the case and topic Resources, in 150-200 words, how would you be able to come alongside and demonstrate empathy for the individual(s) as you support and care for them? Reflect on your actions and their consequences.

  1. Based on the case and topic Resources, in 150-200 words, how can you demonstrate respect for the perspectives of the individual(s) that may be different from your personal and professional values? Consider your conscious and unconscious biases in relationship to human rights in health care practice. Reflect on your actions and their consequences.

  1. Based on the case, topic Resources, and on your worldview, in 150-200 words, what decision would you make if you were in their situation?


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