3-1 Module Three Milestone InstructionsSubmit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric Submit your assignment here. Make sure yo

1 PSY 491 Developing Your Social Change Intervention Developing a n effective social change intervention is critical to our ability to make a positive social impact (Gavin, 2018). Below, you will find a brief list of some socia l change intervention methods. Corporate Training Corporate training events are a time -honored method to present, disseminate , and evaluate employees for social change intervention . With education and training, employees can evaluate threats to program sustainability and leverage opportunities that promote goal attainment (Cohen, 2011) . Engage I n and Promote Ethical Business Practices Leading by example is an important step in some social change strategies. “To effect change externally, companies need to first look internally and ensure that a commitment to social responsibility is embedded in their business operations” (Gavin, 2018, para. 8). Encourage Employees to Volunteer “By fostering a culture that inspirits employees to give back, companies can empower their workforce to engage with issues that matter to them and instill a sense of shared purpose” (Gavin, 2020, para. 20). Implement Policy Policy changes should be supported with research -based evidence. A customized policy should be implemented to suit the changing requirements of the community. This will lead to informed decision making in the development of the modification structures and strategies to support the social change (Cohen, 2011). Integrate S takeholders F rom Across Organizat ions and Communities in a Given Place “By employing a place -based strategy, cross -sector partnerships incorporate stakeholders as shareholders of a partnership’s investment, rather than just beneficiaries. This typically requires time and effort to build trust and requires intentionality around prioritizing stakeholders’ preferences and best interests” ( Buffett & Eimicke, 2018, para. 13) . Research and Publication Social research involves collecting and analyzing information about specific need areas that have been identified within the community (Unkelbach, 2013). By relying on evidence -based research data, policies can target the critical need areas where change can have the most significant impact within the community. 2 References Buffett, H.W ., & Eimicke, W.B. (2018 . May 31 ). How companies, governments, and nonprofits can create social change together. Harvard Business Review . https://www.google.com/amp/s/hbr.org/amp/2018/05/how -companies -governments -and - nonprofits -can -create -social -change -together Cohen, G. L. (2011 , October 14 ). Social Psychology and Social Change. Science , 334 (6053), 178 –179. http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1212887 Gavin, M. (20 19, January 24 ). How to create social change: 4 business strategies. Harvard Business School Online . https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/how -can -business -drive -social -change Unkelbach, C. (2013). Social Psychology — Change and Consistency. Social Psychology , 44(1), 1 –3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1027/1864 -9335/a000135