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Week 3: Plan Outline Template


Institutional Affiliation

Week 3: Plan Outline Template

I. Introduction

A. The significance of evaluating and transforming the organizational culture depends on the creation of organizational climates that foster the well-being, efficiency, and loyalty of personnel (Destler, 2016). A positive culture enhances interest, creativity and commitment which are essential when searching for and maintaining quality employees.

B. The goals of this plan are to bring the company up to the modern standards of the office space, introduce the policies that would encourage the employees to maintain proper balance between work and personal life, as well as adjust the company culture to reflect the values of millennials and generation Z in order to properly attract and retain top talent.

II. Assessment of Current Workplace Culture

A. The current culture in the ABC organization is not a healthy one as the working hours are long, PTO is rarely used, and remote work is very limited. The management is still very much hierarchical with very little focus on employee well-being and job satisfaction.

B. Recommended areas for change include:

  • Introducing flexible working hours and remote work options.

  • Encouraging the use of PTO and regular breaks.

  • Shifting focus from hours worked to outcomes achieved.

  • Redefining management attitudes towards employee well-being and trust.

III. Evaluation of Work Arrangements and Habits

A. The current work arrangements include forced working hours of more than 45 hours, repression of breaks, and no option for telecommuting. This structure is one of the causes of employee burnout and dissatisfaction (Bhat et al., 2022).

B. Essential changes including working hours flexibility and work from home are vital in enhancing productivity and healthy work environment. These changes will assist the employees to balance between their work and family responsibilities thus decreasing stress levels and improving the job satisfaction.

IV. Changing Organizational Culture

A. Problem areas to address

  • Rigid work hours and no remote work options.

  • Discouragement of breaks and PTO usage.

  • Overemphasis on hours worked instead of outcomes.

B. Recommended changes

  • Encourage organizational flexibility with regard to working hours and working from home to enhance work fulfilment.

  • Explain the importance of taking breaks and using paid time off to positively impact one’s health and avoid exhaustion.

  • Reward performance based on goal accomplishment rather than working hours to boost both efficiency and morale.

V. Alignment with Executive Team Criteria

A. This plan satisfies the requirements of the executive team because it promotes a culture that supports employee satisfaction, flexible working hours, and new working culture. This corresponds with the objectives of achieving an organizational structure that is both efficient and effective, coupled with high employee morale.

VI. Management Training and Communication

A. The plan is to retrain the current managers to maintain a more supportive and flexible managerial approach. This training will address issues to do with trust, flexibility in working hours, and results-oriented appraisal.

B. The new policies will be disseminated through routine staff meetings, training sessions, and written documentation. Such feedback mechanisms will make sure that the managers and employees of the organization appreciate and adjust to the changes (Blanchard & Thacker, 2023).

VII. Implementation of Plan

A. Timeline for implementing the plan:

  • Month 1-2: Conduct assessments and gather feedback from employees.

  • Month 3-4: Develop and finalize the new policies and training programs.

  • Month 5-6: Implement management training and start rolling out new work arrangements.

  • Month 7-8: Monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.

  • Month 9-12: Evaluate the impact and refine the plan.

VIII. Ensuring Work Quality and Quantity

A. During the implementation, performance evaluation and feedback will also be conducted frequently in order to ensure work quality and quantity. If there are any negative effects, these disadvantages will be solved immediately by changing some of the practices and offering further help.

IX. Utilizing Groups and Teams

A. Collaboration and teamwork will be employed to ensure that goals are attained and this will be done through group and team work (Forslund Frykedal & Hammar Chiriac, 2018). They include creativity that is improved, reduced problem-solving time, and improved working relations among employees, hence a strong working force.

X. Conclusion

A. This plan is designed to address the following objectives of changing the workplace environment in ABC organization: These changes will help the company to attract talented staff and provide them with satisfying working conditions, thus guaranteeing the company’s future stability.


Bhat, Z. H., Yousuf, U., & Saba, N. (2022). The implications of telecommuting on work-life balance: Effects on work engagement and work exhaustion.

Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2023). Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices. SAGE Publications.

Destler, K. N. (2016). Creating a performance culture: Incentives, climate, and organizational change. The American Review of Public Administration46(2), 201-225.

Forslund Frykedal, K., & Hammar Chiriac, E. (2018). Student collaboration in group work: Inclusion as participation. International journal of disability, development and education65(2), 183-198.