4-2 Project One

1 PSY 491 Social Change Identity Vocabulary List We are active participants in our identity development, constructing our own identities and influencing how others construct their identities. Consider the following examples of social identities to help in the construction of your own social change identity. Gender ● Male ● Female ● Cisgender ● Transgender ● Gender Queer ● Two Spirit Race ● Black ● Asian ● Latino/a ● White ● Native American ● Multiracial and others Sex ● Male ● Female ● Intersex ● Trans* Relationship Status ● Single ● Divorced ● Married ● Domestic Partnership ● Widowed Language ● English ● Japanese ● American Sign Language ● Spanish ● Portuguese ● French ● Russian ● Mandarin, and others 2 National Origin ● Argentina ● Turkey ● Brazil ● Kenya ● Russia ● France, and others Age ● Youth ● Old ● Young Adult ● Middle -Aged Ethnicity ● American ● African ● Chinese ● Mexican ● Sioux ● European -American ● Haitian ● Vietnamese ● Irish, and others Physical, Developmental, Psychological Ability ● Disabled ● Temporarily Able -Bodied ● Able Religion/Belief System ● Jewish ● Christian ● Muslim ● Buddhist ● Hindu ● Pagan ● Agnostic ● Atheist ● Native American Church Socioeconomic Class ● Upper ● Upper Middle ● Lower Middle ● Working ● Poor 3 Sexual Orientation ● Lesbian ● Gay ● Heterosexual ● Asexual ● Pansexual ● Queer ● Questioning