Health insurance for Veterans Affairs 1. In this assignment, as a group, you will select the change management model and justification you want to use for your project based on the submission from th

Specifically, starting with a brief overview of the organization as an introduction. You should then describe the change management model in the next section and then a justification for the use of that model followed by a section on dealing with resistance to change. Your final section should be the detailed plan on everything this organization needs to do to expand services. Other than the change management model, I could not find evidence of any of the rest of this. In addition, your budget should focus solely on the expenses associated with expanding service and should include what it will cost for them do to this and how they will pay for it.

•  Introduction  

• Change Management Model  

• Justification for the use of Model

• Tips for Dealing with Resistance to Change

• Leadership Strategy

• Diversity and Inclusion

• Vision, Mission and Values (Implementation Plan)

• Shifting the Organizational Culture

• Organizational Expansion Plan

• Marketing Plan

• Budget  

• Appendix (includes any materials groups have prepared)

I have completed all of the grading of your week four assignments.  Each of your groups should now be working on your week six assignment. This assignment requires you to make the changes I have suggested on your week four assignment and to:

  • Add how diversity and inclusion issues will be addressed by the organization.

  • Add a section on the leadership strategy the organization should use to make
    the changes.

  • Update the budget to include the addition of diversity and inclusion initiatives.