Requirements You are required to start with your Lab 5 program - you should have a passing grade (>= 70%) on Lab 5 before starting this assignment other wise you may be building additional function

# Sample Run:

# Welcome to 7Eleven

# Purchase 5 or more items and receive a 10% discount!

# Orders can be delivered to your door for $5.00

# Enter item: cookies

# Enter quantity: 3

# Enter unit price $: 2.0

# Do you want to add more items? (y/n): y

# Enter item: chips

# Enter quantity: 2

# Enter unit price $: 1.5

# Do you want to add more items? (y/n): n

# Do you want this order to be delivered (y/n): y

# Receipt:

TAX_RATE = 0.07




def print_welcome():

"""Prints a welcome message to the user."""

print("Welcome to 7Eleven")

print(f"Purchase {DISCOUNT_LIMIT} or more items and receive a {DISCOUNT_PERCENT * 100}% discount!")

print(f"Orders can be delivered to your door for ${DELIVERY_FEE:.2f}.")

def get_user_input(prompt, input_type):

"""Prompts the user and returns the input converted to the specified type."""

while True:


return input_type(input(prompt))

except ValueError:

print(f"Invalid input. Please enter a valid {input_type.__name__}.")

def get_item():

"""Prompts for item details and returns them as a list."""

item_name = input("Enter item: ")

quantity = get_user_input("Enter quantity: ", int)

unit_price = get_user_input("Enter unit price $: ", float)

return [item_name, quantity, unit_price]

def add_item_to_cart(cart, item):

"""Adds an item to the cart."""


def calculate_subtotal(cart):

"""Calculates the subtotal of all items in the cart."""

subtotal = 0.0

for item in cart:

subtotal += item[1] * item[2]

return subtotal

def apply_discount(total_items, subtotal):

"""Applies a discount if total_items exceed DISCOUNT_LIMIT."""

if total_items >= DISCOUNT_LIMIT:

return subtotal * DISCOUNT_PERCENT

return 0.0

def calculate_total_cost(subtotal, discount, tax, delivery_cost):

"""Calculates the final total cost including tax and delivery fee."""

return subtotal - discount + tax + delivery_cost

def print_receipt(cart, delivery_cost, total_cost):

"""Prints the order receipt """


for item in cart:

item_name, quantity, unit_price = item

item_total = quantity * unit_price

print(f"{item_name}: {quantity} @ ${unit_price:.2f} each = ${item_total:.2f}")

if delivery_cost > 0:

print(f"Delivery fee: ${delivery_cost:.2f}")

print(f"Total cost: ${total_cost:.2f}")

print("Thank you for shopping!")

def main():

"""Main function to drive the program."""


while True:

cart = []

total_items = 0

while True:

item = get_item()

add_item_to_cart(cart, item)

total_items += item[1]

more_items = input("Do you want to add more items? (y/n): ").lower()

if more_items != 'y':


subtotal = calculate_subtotal(cart)

discount = apply_discount(total_items, subtotal)

tax = subtotal * TAX_RATE

delivery_cost = DELIVERY_FEE if input("Do you want this order to be delivered (y/n): ").lower() == 'y' else 0

total_cost = calculate_total_cost(subtotal, discount, tax, delivery_cost)

print_receipt(cart, delivery_cost, total_cost)

if input("Do you want to run the program again? (y/n): ").lower() != 'y':


if __name__ == "__main__":
