Fun with Statistics Part II In this practice program, you will be modify the program you wrote for Practice 5 - Fun with Statistics, to append the user input to a list. When the user is done entering

# Welcome to Mula Bank

# Enter 'start' to begin or 'exit' to leave: start


# Enter user ID: any_user_id

# Enter password: any_password


# Login successful!


# 1. View Balance

# 2. Deposit

# 3. Withdraw

# 4. Exit


# Enter your choice: 1

# Your current balance is: $500.00


# Enter your choice: 2

# Enter deposit amount: 200

# Deposit successful. Your new balance is: $700.00


# Enter your choice: 3

# Enter withdraw amount: 100

# Withdrawal successful. Your new balance is: $600.00


# Enter your choice: 4

# Do you want a receipt? (yes/no): yes

# Here is your receipt. Your final balance is: $600.00


# Thank you for using Mula Bank. Goodbye!

def front_page():


Displays the front page with a welcome message and prompts the user to start or exit.


print("Welcome to Mula Bank")

while True:

start = input("\nEnter 'start' to begin or 'exit' to leave: ").lower()

if start == 'start':


elif start == 'exit':

print("Thank you for visiting Mula Bank. Goodbye!")



print("Invalid input. Please enter 'start' or 'exit'.")

def login():


Prompts the user to log in with a user ID and password.

Any entered user ID and password are accepted as valid.


print("Please log in to continue.")

while True:

entered_user_id = input("Enter user ID: ")

entered_password = input("Enter password: ")

# Accept any user ID and password as valid

print("\nLogin successful!\n")


def print_welcome():


Prints the main menu options to the user.


print("\n1. View Balance")

print("2. Deposit")

print("3. Withdraw")

print("4. Exit")

def get_user_input(prompt, input_type):


Prompts the user for input and returns it converted to the specified type.


prompt (str): The input prompt to display to the user.

input_type (type): The type to convert the input to (int or float).


input_type: The user input converted to the specified type.


while True:


return input_type(input(prompt))

except ValueError:

print(f"Invalid input. Please enter a valid {input_type.__name__}.")

def get_choice():


Prompts and returns a valid menu choice.


int: The user's menu choice (1-4).


while True:

choice = get_user_input("Enter your choice: ", int)

if 1 <= choice <= 4:

return choice

print("Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and 4.")

def get_deposit_amt():


Prompts and returns a valid deposit amount.


float: The user's deposit amount (>= 0).


while True:

amount = get_user_input("Enter deposit amount: ", float)

if amount >= 0:

return amount

print("Deposit amount must be non-negative.")

def get_withdraw_amt(balance):


Prompts and returns a valid withdrawal amount.


balance (float): The current balance of the user.


float: The user's withdrawal amount (0 <= amount <= balance).


while True:

amount = get_user_input("Enter withdraw amount: ", float)

if 0 <= amount <= balance:

return amount

print(f"Invalid amount. Please enter a value between 0 and {balance}.")

def ask_for_receipt(balance):


Asks the user if they want a receipt and prints it if requested.


balance (float): The final balance of the user.


while True:

receipt = input("Do you want a receipt? (yes/no): ").lower()

if receipt == 'yes':

print(f"Here is your receipt. Your final balance is: ${balance:.2f}")


elif receipt == 'no':



print("Invalid input. Please enter 'yes' or 'no'.")

def main():


Main function to drive the program.




balance = 500.0 # Initial balance

while True:


choice = get_choice()

if choice == 1:

print(f"Your current balance is: ${balance:.2f}")

elif choice == 2:

deposit = get_deposit_amt()

balance += deposit

print(f"Deposit successful. Your new balance is: ${balance:.2f}")

elif choice == 3:

withdraw = get_withdraw_amt(balance)

balance -= withdraw

print(f"Withdrawal successful. Your new balance is: ${balance:.2f}")

elif choice == 4:


print("Thank you for using Mula Bank. Goodbye!")


if __name__ == "__main__":
