Create a narrated PowerPoint highlighting details of your hotel. Be sure to include the following: Franchise or Independent hotel Hotel description (name, number of rooms, etc)Decor / FurnishingsAmen

Hotel Management Essentials

Brent Boca

DeVry University


Hotel Management Essentials

Select and describe the specific amenities that will help distinguish your hotel's brand.

To differentiate ourselves from the competition, we will provide unique services for guests that enhance their stay at our hotel. My idea is to open a rooftop bar where guests can overlook the city's sights and enjoy their time with friends and families. The wellness center shall contain modern facilities for fitness, spa, and other services developed according to the client's characteristics. Every single room will have smart solutions, which means that guests will be able to control the lighting and temperatures in the room (Kansakar et al., 2019). Also, our executive Head Chef shall be in charge of our on-site restaurant, which will be comprised of creative dishes with local spices. There will always be a concierge on duty to offer customized advice and make bookings when required. All these services are selected meticulously to meet the objectives of delivering a memorable service to the guests and making them comfortable.

Describe how the experience economy, service, and product will be established.

The concept of the hotel that I am going to develop will be based on the idea of the experience economy, which is where guests will have unique and memorable experiences during their stay. It will differ from other services, where staff will focus not only on satisfaction but shall recognize the guests' needs and offer prompt suggestions for improving their experience. We will focus on the best quality and comfort of rooms and their systems, as well as exquisite services in our wellness center and the restaurant. This way, every patron will have a one-of-a-kind experience, given the infusion of culture and art into the design and other aspects of the hotel. To achieve this, it is necessary to prioritize these elements, which will result in the creation of a harmonious and unique environment for the guests that will develop their loyalty to our hotel and differentiate it from its competitors.

What type of management organization will your hotel possess? Why did you select this type of management organization?

Our hotel will adopt a hybrid management organization structure, combining centralized control with localized decision-making. This will help me maintain a centralized brand image and effective resource management while offering market customization to local managers (Chang & Ma, 2015). The operational hierarchy will be centralized to monitor the final brand position and direct all marketing and quality control management to achieve consistency across the properties. At the same time, local managers will be able to respond to local demands, oversee day-to-day operations, and meet certain guest requirements. I chose this structure to ensure that aspirations of ensuring standards are met while adapting to certain local markets and increasing guest satisfaction in general.

What type of security features will your hotel have? Describe how you will implement and manage the security features you selected for your hotel.

To enhance guests’ security, our hotel will install multifaceted security systems to guarantee that the hotel is secure at all times. I propose the installation of high-definition CCTV cameras in strategic positions like the doors and the corridors as well as the parking area. Security measures Relate to physical security, access control due to key card systems, and limited and restricted allowance to guest rooms and other restricted areas. Also, proper emergency procedures like staff orientation and simulation exercises should be implemented. To monitor these features, I will periodically watch security tapes, perform system audits on the access control system, and review emergency protocols with staff members based on their recommendations and incidents. This will prevent any incidences of insecurity and treat any that might come across to ensure that all guests feel safe throughout their stay.

How will you manage the following hotel revenue management controls: ADR, occupancy rate, and REVPAR? How will you control rate allocations, allocation controls, and availability controls to maximize your yield management and improve your revenue management?

To address ADR, occupancy rate, and REVPAR issues, I will use dynamic pricing strategies that capture real-time market data and historical trends. For ADR, I will seasonally change the prices of the rooms to be competitive while generating maximum revenue. For instance, instead of making a hard sell during a time with low bookings, I will employ predictive analysis to identify low-demand periods and establish appropriate incentives to appeal to clients (Talón-Ballestero et al., 2022). Regarding REVPAR, I will ensure that we strictly implement the tariff policies while making constant adjustments to boost the overall return on investment. Room pricing will be done using tiered products and room types in order to capture desired revenues from each customer segment. Revenue controls will be centralized at the property level with the help of superior revenue management earning software; inventory control will be managed, and availability will be controlled by the forecasted demand.

(This will be considered the summary.) How will all of this hopefully turn a profit after several years in business?

By managing our hotel using these strategies, I believe that my hotel will become profitable within a few years' time. First, the peculiarities of the offered services, the excellent quality of the offered services, and the client orientation will bring more and more guests to the hotel, and therefore, there will be higher occupancy rates. Flexible pricing for the rooms and specific promotions will lead to the maximum achievement of ADR and REVPAR to maximize revenue from each transaction made. The structure of management in a hybrid manner suggests that high standards will be maintained while meeting local market demands, and guest satisfaction and repeat business will be encouraged. Further, with our strong security measures and unique customer' journeys, users will share positive reviews, and we will attract more clients by word of mouth. Such online marketing strategies, coupled with appropriate revenue and cost control measures, will help create long-term revenue streams that guarantee the profitability and success of the hotel business.


Chang, H. P., & Ma, C. C. (2015). Managing the service brand value of the hotel industry in an emerging market. International Journal of Hospitality Management47, 1-13.

Kansakar, P., Munir, A., & Shabani, N. (2019). Technology in the hospitality industry: Prospects and challenges. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine8(3), 60-65.

Talón-Ballestero, P., Nieto-García, M., & González-Serrano, L. (2022). The wheel of dynamic pricing: Towards open pricing and one to one pricing in hotel revenue management. International journal of hospitality management102, 103184.