Leadership Problem Analysis & Solutions 1. Through a short video (or face to face oral presentation), share your leadership knowledge through analysis of a leadership challenge that you have faced

Learning Reflection

What did you do well in this assignment?

What could you improve?

What leadership challenge did you identify?

Which logical fallacies or biases did you discuss?

Which leadership theories did you use?

What solution/alternatives did you consider?

Mark yourself against the criteria…

Identification and critical analysis of pertinent issues in leadership strategy and practice: __/ 20

Demonstrate critical thinking to develop and evaluate appropriate solutions to leadership problems: __/15

Use of appropriate verbal, non-verbal (posture, gesture, eye contact, vocal expressiveness) and/or digital and multimedia communication (media selection, editing, presentation): __/10

Clarity, logic, flow & substantiation of arguments presented: _/5

Structure of the Presentation: _/5

Use of Effective Time Management: _/5

Total: __/60