Leadership Problem Analysis & Solutions 1. Through a short video (or face to face oral presentation), share your leadership knowledge through analysis of a leadership challenge that you have faced

Speaking Points

  • This is not a script, but evidence that the claims you have made in your presentation are substantiated by credible research.

  • Provide dot points that substantiate the theoretical and/or evidence-based claims you discuss.

  • Link the theory/concept/models discussed in the course, and in your research, with your leadership challenge and solutions you discuss.

  • Personal pronouns are okay.

  • Only cite articles from Q1 ranked journals (on Scimago). Your workshop facilitator will show you how to check the ranking of a journal.

  • Only cite articles from the past 5 years, or older seminal articles cited more than 1000 times on Google Scholar.

Source (end text reference)

Claim/s Made


Seltzer, J & Bass, BM 1990, ‘Transformational leadership:

beyond initiation and consideration’, Journal of Management, vol. 16, no. 4,

pp. 693–703. doi:10.1177/014920639001600403.


  • My efforts to engage in charismatic leadership with the group may have been futile, as charisma may be more closely associated with individual impact.