follow the steps below: Read the section titled Quick Tip: The Quickest Revision Strategy located in Chapter 17: Revising Style: Telling Your Story Clearly of your textbook (p. 101).Using the steps ou

Argumentative Paper Criteria



Task Fulfillment

Paper clearly responds to the assignment prompt. The topic is sufficiently narrowed down.


The paper describes a shared context, includes background information as well as the definitions of key terms with cited sources.


The thesis expresses the main point/claim and answers “so what?" question. The thesis includes the significance of the issue. If the thesis expresses a problem, it should also include a solution.

Paragraph Focus and Development

  • Key ideas are supported by evidence from sources 

  • Paragraphs include use of MEAL plan format and analysis of evidence

  • Paragraphs include synthesis/analysis

  • Paragraphs relate to and support the thesis 

  • Uses 15 to 20 sources

APA Formatting

  • Both in-text citations and list of references are included

  • Turnitin plagiarism report does not indicate plagiarism

  • Proper APA formatting is used

  • All source of plagiarism avoided (including omitting in-text citations)

Grammar and Style

The paper is free of grammatical errors. The style is clear and consistent throughout the paper