ENG 190 Module One Assignment Guidelines and RubricOverview As you begin to consider the project due in Module Seven, you will begin the first phase of research for the project. This includes selectin

ENG 190 Research Question Template


A research question is a question that would lead to a persuasive essay. Your research question needs to ask a question that has multiple potential answers that reasonable people might defend with research. It also needs to aim to solve a problem supported with evidence and lead to a complex discussion.


You may use one of the following suggested research question templates to create your research question. Please note that these templates were created as a guide but are not required for the Module One Assignment.


Suggested Template

Suggested Template Example

In order to solve the problem of ____________, what does _________ need to do?


In order to solve the problem of digital redlining, what do state governments need to do to create better access?


How should _________________ solve the problem of ____________?


How should the federal government address the problem of student loan debt?


In the debate over _____________, why might _______ be more effective and why?


In the debate over nurse error and liability, why might reducing nursing staffing practices be an effective solution and why?