ENG 190 Module One Assignment Guidelines and RubricOverview As you begin to consider the project due in Module Seven, you will begin the first phase of research for the project. This includes selectin

ENG 190 Module One Assignment Exemplar Please review the Module One Guide for further guidance . 1. Select a category in the Project Resources Document. A. I selected Higher Education . 2. Select one of the articles. A. MLA citation: Heredia Rodriguez, Carmen. “Adjunct Professors: Jobs Are Low on Pay and Health Benefits With High COVID Risk.” Kaiser Health News, 23 July 2020, https://khn.org/news/adjunct -professors -jobs -are -low -on -pay -and -health - benefits -with -high -covid -risk/ . Accessed 5 Jan . 2023. 3. Identify a debatable topic related to your chosen source. A. The issue I have identified is the need to provide healthcare for adjunct professors. B. One perspective is that healthcare is a right and that a healthy faculty leads to a healthy school and learning environment. Another perspective is that healthcare is to o costly for the school and providing healthcare for adjunct professors would raise tuition. People who would be interested are adjunct professors, school administrators , and even students. 4. Write a research question about your topic. A. Question: How should California community colleges address the issue of uninsured adjunct professors? B. Clarify: My research question is about healthcare for adjunct professors within a specific state . C. Solve a problem: My research question asks community colleges to solve the pr oblem of their uninsured or underinsured workforce. D. Complex discussion: There might be different stances on who is responsible for adjunct professor healthcare. Some people might think it is the responsibility of the individual.

Some might argue that prof essors should just “get a better job .” Others might argue that healthcare should be provided by the federal government rather than employers. Community colleges might argue that they already are underfunded and cannot afford to provide healthcare without c ollaps ing . 5. State the purpose of your research. A. I want to learn more about possible solutions for adjunct professors not having healthcare access. B. Research will help me to better understand the current state of the issue and what various groups have tried to accomplish so far in the community college structure.