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Unit VII Project

Please note that this assignment requires you to incorporate concepts from readings and lessons in previous units.

For this assignment, you will complete the marketing plan you have been working on throughout this course. Your final product will result in a fully developed marketing plan that you can save as evidence to demonstrate experience creating a marketing plan when speaking to potential employers.

There are two parts to this assignment. Both parts will be completed in the template linked below.

Before you begin on Sections II and III of your marketing plan, add the final revision of Section I in the template below. Your final revision should be based on professor feedback from your Unit III assignment submission and your own continued research.

Part I: Marketing Plan-Section II

Continue using the Marketing Plan Template 1 complete Section II of your marketing plan.

Your completed Section II of the marketing plan must be at least three pages in length.

You must use a minimum of five reputable references to support Section II of your plan (i.e., annual reports, journal articles, newspaper articles, conversations with key employees of the firm, Internet articles); three of the resources must be peer-reviewed or academic in nature.

Part II: Marketing Plan-Section III

Using the same Marketing Plan Template 3 complete Section III of the marketing plan.

Your submission for Section III must be at least three, but no more than five pages in length.

You must use a minimum of five reputable references to support Section III of your plan, three of which must be peer-reviewed or academic in nature.

Your entire marketing plan submission (completed Sections I, II, and III) should consist of a minimum of nine pages with a maximum of 15 pages. The title and references pages do not count toward this requirement.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing all sections of your marketing plan, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Be sure to delete the instructions left for you in the template and replace them with your own information.