topic is PE ( Pulmonary Edema)

PM 12/11 Directions for D Record - NUR105 Purpose A D record is completed for the assigned weekly focused medical diagnosis. This record is to prepare the student for the clinical experience. The components of the assignment encompass pre -clinical prep work to facilitate the nursing process during the clinical experience. It is designed to help the student gather information and develop critical thinking skills in formulating a tentative plan of care for patients. This assignment prepares the student for the clinical experience by increasing knowledge about content, organizing thinking, assisting in application of theory into an appropriate plan of care based on research, and it is the basis for the concept map. The student can evaluate patient response to the plan of care. Student learning Outcomes • Explain the pathophysiology of the medical diagnosis. • Determine common clinical manifestations derived from the patient’s physiological responses. • Determine significant diagnostic tests for the medical diagnosis and their nursing interventions. • Formulate a focused assessment of the clinical manifestations. • Compose two (2) individual physiologic and one (1) psychosocial nursing diagnosis. • Execute nursing interventions based on research and evidenced -based practice. • Determine medical management for the medical diagnosis. • Use appropriate creative and analytic methods to interpret ideas, solve problems, and present conclusions. • Locate, evaluate and use information from a variety of sources to formulate an appropriate nursing plan of care. • Investigate possible complications. Directions • Typed and college level standards must be followed • Resources identified in APA format o 2 resources - textbook, peer -reviewed journal (not older than 5 yr.), an approved professional Web -site • Must be completed and submitted prior to pre conference on the first clinical day. • Topic assigned by faculty • Pathophysiology is to address the disease process and its relationship to the development of the clinical manifestations presented by the patient. Include possible complications. • Specific nursing interventions for each diagnostic exam are to be documented. Explain how this diagnostic test helps diagnosis this medical disease. • Medical management - identify the collaborative approach. Briefly explain how each interventions helps improve the clinical manifestations and/or medical disease. Include medications, surgery, collaborative care. • Identify two physiological and one psychosocial cultural nursing diagnosis for the focused medical disease. Include related to, supporting data: clinical manifestations, one short term goal and interventions for each of the three problems.