PART 1- Module 4- ASSIGNMENT 1 - (VAL)- Emerging Trends Research Paper Outline Using the research from Module 3 Assignment 2 (ATTACHED), create an outline (ATTACHED) for an essay on Emerging Trends in

1 Valerie S. Forrest ORGANIZATIONAL PROMOTION (ORG -332 -OL1) St. Thomas University Dr. A. Hudson September 8 , 202 4 2 Generative AI Marketing Trends Using Primary Sources BACKGROUND OF THE PRIMARY SOURCE Primary Source: Kshetri , N., Dwivedi, Y. K., Davenport, T. H., & Panteli, N. (2023). Generative artificial intelligence in marketing: Applications, opportunities, challenges, and research agenda.

International Journal of Information Management, 102716. Creator: Date: Kshetri, N., Dwivedi, Y. K., Davenport, T.

H., & Panteli, N. 2023 Background of the source: This article provides a comprehensive overview of how generative AI (GAI) is transforming marketing. It discusses the benefits of using GAI for personalizing marketing content and improving efficiency, along with the challenges and barriers faced in its im plementation. ANALYZING THE PRIMARY SOURCE What powerful words or phrases were used? "transformative impacts," "higher efficiency," "personalized content," "sales lead generation." 3 What purpose did the creator have? What makes you think this was the purpose? To explore the impact of GAI on marketing practices, including benefits and challenges. The purpose is indicated by the focus on both opportunities and barriers, as well as implications for future research and practice. What was the primary source’s audience? Academics, researchers, and marketing professionals interested in AI and its applications in marketing. What biases or stereotypes did you see in the primary source? The article may assume that the benefits of GAI outweigh the challenges, potentially underestimating the difficulties in implementing new technologies. What key points did the creator of the primary source make? • GAI enhances the personalization of marketing content. • It improves marketing efficiency and productivity. • There are challenges in adopting GAI, including technological and organizational barriers. SUMMARIZING THE PRIMARY SOURCE What are two conclusions you can draw about the topic from this source? For each conclusion, provide details from the source that support your conclusion. Conclusions: Supportive details or evidence: 4 GAI improves marketing efficiency: The article highlights how GAI can streamline content creation and enhance productivity. Discussion on the efficiency gains from automated content generation and personalized marketing. There are significant challenges to GAI adoption: The article points out barriers such as technological limitations and organizational resistance. Detailed analysis of the obstacles faced by companies in implementing GAI. Questions for further study: What questions do you still have about the topic or that could be used to guide further investigation on the topic? • How do different industries face unique challenges in adopting GAI for marketing? • What specific strategies can companies employ to overcome the barriers to GAI implementation? Using Primary Sources BACKGROUND OF THE PRIMARY SOURCE Primary Source: Deveau, R., Griffin, S. J., & Reis, S. (2023). AI -powered marketing and sales reach new heights with generative AI. McKinsey –2023. Creator: Date: Deveau, R., Griffin, S. J., & Reis, S. 2023 Background of the source: 5 This McKinsey report explores the impact of generative AI on marketing and sales, focusing on the opportunities and risks associated with AI technologies in a digital -first world. ANALYZING THE PRIMARY SOURCE What powerful words or phrases were used? "step -change evolution," "essential tools," "impact how you operate," "forward -thinking." What purpose did the creator have? What makes you think this was the purpose? To outline the transformative effects of generative AI on marketing and sales, emphasizing opportunities and risks for businesses. What was the primary source’s audience? Business leaders, marketing professionals, and sales managers. What biases or stereotypes did you see in the primary source? The report may highlight the benefits of GAI while minimizing the risks or challenges, reflecting McKinsey's optimistic view of technological advancements. 6 What key points did the creator of the primary source make? • Generative AI is reshaping how marketing and sales operate. • It is crucial for businesses to adapt to these technological changes to stay competitive. • There are both opportunities and risks associated with the use of GAI. SUMMARIZING THE PRIMARY SOURCE What are two conclusions you can draw about the topic from this source? For each conclusion, provide details from the source that support your conclusion. Conclusions: Supportive details or evidence: Generative AI is becoming essential for competitive marketing: The report underscores the importance of adopting GAI to remain relevant in the market. Emphasis on the need for businesses to integrate GAI to enhance their marketing and sales strategies. There are inherent risks with the use of GAI: The report notes that while GAI offers significant benefits, it also presents potential risks. Discussion of the challenges and risks associated with integrating GAI into existing systems. Questions for further study: What questions do you still have about the topic or that could be used to guide further investigation on the topic? 7 • What are the specific risks associated with GAI in marketing, and how can they be mitigated? • How are different sectors adapting to the integration of GAI? Using Primary Sources BACKGROUND OF THE PRIMARY SOURCE Primary Source: Islam, T., Miron, A., Nandy, M., Choudrie, J., Liu, X., & Li, Y. (2024). Transforming Digital Marketing with Generative AI. Computers, 13(7), 168. Creator: Date: Islam, T., Miron, A., Nandy, M., Choudrie, J., Liu, X., & Li, Y. 2024 Background of the source: This article introduces MARK -GEN, a framework using generative AI to innovate marketing content creation, with case studies demonstrating its application in the fashion industry. ANALYZING THE PRIMARY SOURCE What powerful words or phrases were used? 8 "conceptual framework," "transform marketing content creation," "compelling marketing content," "innovative techniques." What purpose did the creator have? What makes you think this was the purpose? To present a new framework for using generative AI in marketing and demonstrate its effectiveness through case studies. What was the primary source’s audience? Marketing professionals, business managers, and researchers in digital marketing. What biases or stereotypes did you see in the primary source? The article may focus on the innovative aspects of MARK -GEN while downplaying any limitations or practical difficulties in implementation. What key points did the creator of the primary source make? • MARK -GEN provides a structured approach for using generative AI in marketing. • The framework has been tested in the fashion industry, showing practical applications. • The article builds on previous technical developments in AI. SUMMARIZING THE PRIMARY SOURCE 9 What are two conclusions you can draw about the topic from this source? For each conclusion, provide details from the source that support your conclusion. Conclusions: Supportive details or evidence: MARK -GEN offers a novel approach to content creation: The article presents a new framework for using GAI to generate unique marketing materials. Introduction of MARK -GEN and its application in the fashion industry with case studies. Generative AI can enhance creativity in marketing: The article demonstrates how GAI can overcome traditional content creation challenges. Case studies showing the effectiveness of GAI in producing creative and compelling content. Questions for further study: What questions do you still have about the topic or that could be used to guide further investigation on the topic? • How can MARK -GEN be adapted for different industries beyond fashion? • What are the long -term impacts of using generative AI on consumer engagement and brand loyalty?