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 Strategic Marketing Management

For this assignment, assume you will be taking on the role of marketing manager for the organization whose marketing plan you have compiled in this course. Within that role, you will need to present the marketing plan that you completed to the marketing team. This will require no additional research, but you will be compiling your content into a narrated PowerPoint presentation. The items below should be included in your presentation.

  • Introduction: Include a brief introduction of the company.

  • Competitive Analysis: Provide a comparison of the company against two or three competitors.

  • Marketing Strategies: Include an examination of all four Ps (product, price, place, and promotion). This should include the product and service, pricing, distribution/place, and both traditional and digital marketing strategies.

  • Competitive Advantage: Address whether the company holds a competitive advantage in each of the areas of the four Ps.

  • Conclusion: Provide recommendations for this company with respect to future marketing strategies, remembering to include topics involving all four Ps.

Your PowerPoint presentation must be at least 12 slides in length, not counting the title or references slides. Each content slide must be augmented with a minimum of 75 words using either speaker notes or audio narration to further explain the information on each slide. Do not repeat the slide content; instead, expand on the content or offer amplifying information.

Option 1: Utilize the Speaker Notes option in PowerPoint.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.