The leadership challenge/s faced by any of the characters in the TV Show, Ted Lasso. you must have watched to do this assignment. you have to use 3-4 leadership theories . Validate the claims you ha

Assessment Task 2 Learning Reflection

  1. Refer to the Rubric on Canvas. How would you grade your performance on each of these criteria?


My Grade

Demonstrate critical thinking to develop and evaluate appropriate solutions to leadership problems

? out of 10

Use of appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal expressiveness)

? out of 8

Knowledge and Application of Effective Group Practices

? out of 3

Use of leadership skills when engaging with team members.

? out of 3

Acknowledgement and facilitation of strengths and skills of team members.

? out of 3


? out of 27

  1. Discuss the group processes you applied in completing this task:

  1. Discuss the leadership skills you applied in completing this task:

  1. Discuss how you acknowledged and facilitated the strengths and skills of team members:

  1. Consider and evaluate your contribution to the group task as a whole. Assign a score out of a possible 3 marks: ? out of 3.

  1. Evaluation the contribution of each team member. Assign a score out of a possible 10 marks.

Team Member Name

Score out of 10