Attached is the Rubric for my research paper on the humanitarian issues going on in Gaza also attached are the two papers i made prior which relate to this assignment

Annotated Bibliography

Karen Frutos

University of Maryland Global Campus

Don Macon

WRTG 112 (2248)

09 Sep 2024

Annotated Bibliography

Article 1:

Hassoun, Abdo, Al-Muhannadi, Khawla, Hassan, Hussein F., Hamad, Ahmed, Khwaldia, Khaoula, Buheji, Mohamed, & Al Jawaldeh, Ayoub. (2024). From acute food insecurity to famine: how the 2023/2024 war on Gaza has dramatically set back sustainable development goal 2 to end hunger. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8.

Summary: This article focuses on the devastating impacts of the 2023/2024 war on Gaza, with emphasis on its effects on food insecurity and hunger. It shows how the conflict has raised food insecurity to near-famine levels, thus setting back the sustainable development goals, especially SDG 2: Zero Hunger. The war’s effects on food production, food availability, and food security, as well as the general health of the general public, have also been discussed in detail in the article.

Evaluation: The article was published in the highly professional, reputable, peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, proving its reliability. The authors are recognized scholars in sustainable development and food systems, which gives credence to the claims made by the authors. The work is an analysis that includes data and cases. As such, it could have benefited from more elaborate comparisons with other regions experiencing these challenges.

Reflection: This source helps explain the direct correlation between conflict and food security. Offering cases of how the political process can slow development objectives worldwide will be beneficial. It will also assist in defining the role of humanitarians in war and the implications of war on the general concept of international development.


Article 2:

Risk of famine in Gaza. (2024). Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 102(4), 228-.

Summary: This is a short research article from the Bulletin of the World Health Organization showing the vulnerability of people living in the Gaza Strip to famine because of the ongoing war and sieges. Specifically, the report focuses on the aggravated deterioration of food and healthcare accessibility and calls for an international response to provide humanitarian aid to avoid starvation.

Evaluation: The Bulletin of the World Health Organization is widely known as the source of public health information, so this report should be considered credible and relatively objective. Due to the article's length, a deeper analysis cannot be provided. However, because it addresses present health threats and a food deficit in Gaza, it appears useful when examining the severity of the situation.

Reflection: This source provides up-to-date, trustworthy information about the situation in Gaza, which is crucial for my research on conflict-induced food insecurity. This is because, whereas other sources will provide a macro view of economics and agriculture, its sole perspective on health outcomes will be an added advantage to the overall evaluation.

Article 3:

Hanley, Delinda C. (2024). Gaza, 2024 Election Focus of the 49th National ICNA-MAS Convention. The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 43(5), 54–55.

Summary: This article is characterized by a tense and negative tone, and it zeroes in on the expansion of the food insecurity problem in Gaza, stemming from protracted violence, embargoes, and the frailty of the domestic agriculture regimes. It covers this by considering the general effects of acute food emergencies on the health of the affected populations through malnutrition, disease burdens, and other related concerns and how humanitarian assistance has failed to keep up with the rising needs of those crises.

Evaluation: It is also highly informative, with proper information from the UN and WHO, among other global bodies. However, its significant sources of information are secondary sources, which hampers its primary research. Even to date, the reader can consider it a helpful source that provides insight into a humanitarian crisis in Gaza politically and economically.

Reflection: Through this article, one will understand how food insecurity issues are being tackled locally about the global efforts. It will help me discuss the effectiveness of the interventions currently being conducted in the Gaza Strip through a detailed analysis of the international aid systems.

Article 4:

The United States supports Israel’s use of force in Gaza.” (2024). The American Journal of International Law, 118(2), 361-366.

Summary: This article seeks to discuss the legal and political analysis of force in the Gaza Strip and America’s assistance to Israel, taking into account the aspects of international legislation and the geopolitical approach. It explains how the support from the US impacts the conflict, particularly concerning military operations that worsen the effects of humanitarian crises that include hunger.

Evaluation: This article was published in the American Journal of International Law and, therefore, is a reputable source of information, particularly from the standpoints of the overall principles of worldwide law and policy. The components of the analysis are explained with reference to legal norms, although the paper is more concerned with the political and legal processes rather than humanitarian aspects.

Reflection: This source is essential for understanding the broader geopolitical dynamics that influence the conflict in Gaza, including how US policy affects humanitarian conditions. Ideally, it will support my analysis by offering a legal analysis of the use of force and its impacts on food security and humanitarian operations. 


Hanley, Delinda C. (2024). Gaza, 2024 Election Focus of the 49th National ICNA-MAS Convention. The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 43(5), 54–55.

Hassoun, Abdo, Al-Muhannadi, Khawla, Hassan, Hussein F., Hamad, Ahmed, Khwaldia, Khaoula, Buheji, Mohamed, & Al Jawaldeh, Ayoub. (2024). From acute food insecurity to famine: how the 2023/2024 war on Gaza has dramatically set back sustainable development goal 2 to end hunger. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8.

Risk of famine in Gaza. (2024). Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 102(4), 228-.

The United States supports Israel’s use of force in Gaza.” (2024). The American Journal of International Law, 118(2), 361–366.