Attached is the Rubric for my research paper on the humanitarian issues going on in Gaza also attached are the two papers i made prior which relate to this assignment

Crisis in Gaza: Safeguarding Maternal and Child Health

Karen Frutos

University of Maryland Global Campus

  1. Helmi B. S. (2024). Urgent humanitarian appeal: Protecting the lives of women and children in the Gaza Strip (Palestine). Deleted Journal13(1), 22799036241229312–22799036241229312.

  2. Document URL:

  3. Summary

In a recent article, Helmi B. S. (2024) highlights and provides the extremely severe humanitarian crisis that is going on in Gaza. It focuses on the awful and dreadful circumstances that are faced by women and children. This in term has resulted in a huge displacement and overwhelmed the healthcare system. The destruction of infrastructure has severely limited access to essential medical services, increase in malnourishment, disease and mortality especially amongst pregnant women and children The author discusses the rapidly increasing violence, and the impact it has had on the civilian population, specifically the vulnerable groups.

Additionally, the article draws attention to the psychological trauma produced by the conflict. This poses long-term mental health challenges faced by the women and children effected by the crises they face. The author concludes with a call for immediate international intervention to help protect the lives and rights of those that were most affected by the ongoing crisis.

  1. Specific Real-life Situation

According to the UN Refugee Agency recent article from March 2024, another real-life situation that is also very similar to the issues that have been talked about in this article is the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Since the Syrian outbreak of the civil war in 2011, Syria has also faced challenges that were very similar to the ones currently happening in Gaza. Some of the similarities include widespread displacement primarily due to the prolonged and brutal civil war, destruction in healthcare facilities and an extreme shortness of medical supplies despite the extreme violence and human rights abuse by various parties to the conflict, including the use of barrel bombs, chemical weapons, torture, and extrajudicial killings. Similar to Gaza as well, the Syrian conflict has left millions of women and children subjected to malnourishment, diseases and phycological trauma. The connection between the two crisis and shared experiences shows us how armed conflicts can devastate civilian populations by depriving them of basic needs

  1. Relation to Field of Study

My field of study is Humanitarian Aid and Development. This field is very closely directly related to the issues that are discussed the article, as it focuses on providing relief and support to the populations that are affected by crises which are similar to the one in Gaza. It is important to understand the complexities of such conflicts. This includes the impacts on health, structure, and psychological well-being. It is very important for developing effective strategies to mitigate suffering and promote recovery. My studies have shown me the knowledge and skills to address these challenges, advocate for the rights of vulnerable groups, and implement programs that help promote and improve access to essential services during and after conflicts.

  1. Remaining Questions

The questions below are what I want to know about the issues that were covered in the article some of those issues are :

  • How can humanitarians’ organizations effectively deliver healthcare services in conflict zones where infrastructure is and has been severely damaged?

  • What are the long-term goals psychological effects on the children who have grown up in war areas like Gaza, and interventions would help mitigate these effects for the children?

  • What roles can international law and global governance play in ensuring the protection of the women and children in conflict zones?

  • How can the international communities find a better way to coordinate humanitarian aid in order to prevent delays and gaps in critical areas such as food, water, and medical supplies during conflicts?

These topics will substantially benefit my research by focusing on specific solutions for improving health outcomes, treating mental health issues, and guaranteeing effective coordination and legal protections in conflict-affected communities and regions. My research intends to contribute to more effective humanitarian interventions by delving deeply into these areas, thereby protecting and assisting persons in need during times of catastrophe. Ultimately, this will aid in the development of comprehensive measures that not only meet urgent needs but also promote long-term resilience and recovery in affected areas.