Review the Strategic Marketing Plan Template to get an understanding of the type of information you will need throughout this course. Select 1 well-known business you would like to research and use

Course Announcements

Week 1 Assignment Instructions

Hi, Class.

Please, review the instructions for the Week 1 assignment carefully. Use the 6 parameters of the rubric as a level two heading on your paper (See template below). All assignments should have a front page and a list of references (at the end of the paper) and be submitted in Word format. Use APA style, 7th edition. Thanks.

Very important:

  • The business you select will be used throughout the weekly assignments and summative assessments in this course.

  • It will be to your benefit to select a business whose information is easily accessible. While you will base your plan on the actual business, there may be parts of this assignment that will require you to use your knowledge and resources to make an informed plan.

Note: Technology companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Instagram, among others, sometimes have hard-to-obtain information.


Level two heading: Left margin, bolded, upper, and lower-case letters. These are the headings:

  • Mission Statement

  • Vision Statement

  • Product Line Description

  • Business Information

  • Current Target Markets

  • Current Marketing Tactics


Reference Page: A reference list should be provided at the end of all papers to assist readers in identifying and retrieving sources. Only include references for the material cited in your paper. The word References is upper and lower case, centered, bolded, at the top of the page.


Front page information (APA, 7th edition):


Title of the Assignment (bolded)

(blank space)

Student Name

MKT 574

University of Phoenix

Due Date

Prof. Ismael Hau