Research proposal topic

CoM Public

Research proposal topic for Research Methods class.


Choose a topic relating to criminal justice that interests you, but make sure it is narrow and specific. For example, instead of choosing "mass incarceration," focus on something more targeted like "examining mass incarceration in Memphis, TN."  Clearly describe the issue you want to examine. Explain the topic, the unit of analysis (who or what you will be analyzing), the type of data you would use (qualitative, quantitative, both) and the research methods you plan to implement (e.g., survey, focus groups, interviews, case study). Explain why you think this is an important topic to explore.  What gaps in the existing literature do you hope to fill? What contribution do you aim to make to the field of criminal justice through your research?

The research proposal topic should be 2-3 paragraphs long, double spaced with 1-inch margins, and in Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Your topic must be approved before the final paper is due.

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