ADDIE: Phase Two Lesson Plan One: Critical Thinking/Problem/Project-based Design Model ADDIE Phase Two will include the development of two specific lesson plans aligned to the work that you submitted

Critical Thinking/Problem/Project-Based Design Model Lesson Plan Design Template

Describe the research-based support for your use of the processes, methods, etc. used to teach this specific content. In other words, why is this instructional model appropriate for teaching this lesson? Use scholarly resources to support your justification. (10%)


Present or identify the problem. (20%)

Present a problem for students to explore that has real-world implications. Components of this section include the real-world problem, the relevance of the problem, an outline of the tasks expected of the students, a time-line for the students to use. The problem should be presented and the questions posed to the students should be presented in a manner that promotes student examination of the problem, provides an opportunity for students to identify the problem, and recording the problem in a way that makes sense to the student and promotes critical-thinking. It is also in this section that you should introduce the problem by engaging students in a project.

Develop a plan for solving the problem. (25%)

In this section you are promoting critical-thinking by having students consider options for solving the problem. You should present probing questions that promote students' analysis of the problem. Describe how the lesson is scaffolding from students' prior learning. Provide structure for the students to explore their problem and present their thoughts and plan on how the problem will be solved. Describe your use of methods for differentiating instruction in this problem-based assignment. Evidence and discussion of the process involved in achieving the problem-based learning model goals should be present in this section of your assignment.

Implement a plan for solving the problem. (25%)
Describe how students implement their plan to solve the problem. Describe how students are encouraged to document or record the implementation of their plan and how they evaluate whether their plan actually solved the problem. Describe how students are given the space to rethink their plan if the problem is not solved with the original plan. Evidence and discussion of the student products and the characteristics of the student products connections to the problem-based learning model goals should be present in this section of your assignment.

Evaluate the implementation. (20%)

*Describe how students are supported in evaluating and reflecting on the implementation of their plan to solve the problem. Reflection of students' individual contributions to solving the problem, as well as group contributions, should be examined for what worked well and what could have been done differently. Describe how students are supported in reflecting on the benefits and challenges of their approach to solving the problem.


  • Technology/media integration in one or more of the phases of the lesson is encouraged but not required. Clearly indicate where this integration occurs.

  • Use APA style (6th edition) and formatting throughout.

  • Include references to literature and data based evaluation (either your data or data from literature) to support your use of models, resources, lesson plans, and assessments.

  • Use narrative, rich description, and explanations throughout your assignment. Write your instructional plan as if someone who does not understand your practice will need to read and understand your document. Don't leave me wondering about details you are able to explain.

  • Make connections between your assessed needs, stated measurable goals/objectives, your implemented plan, and the measurements at evaluation.

  • Check grammar and spelling using your electronic resource but also literally and in context. Use proper sentence structure and paragraph structure. Use appropriate transitions between paragraphs.

Critical Thinking/Problem/Project-Based Lesson Plan Template Smith Winter 2015 Smith Winter 2015