ADDIE: Phase Two Lesson Plan Two: Integrating Technology/Media within Concept Attainment Mapping Lesson Concept Attainment Model - Integrating Technology/Media within Concept Mapping Lesson In this te

Technical Assignment Two: Concept Attainment Model-Integrating Technology/Media Lesson Plan Design Template

Describe the research-based support for your use of the processes, methods, etc. used to teach this specific content. In other words, why is this instructional model appropriate for teaching this lesson? Use scholarly resources to support your justification.



*Identify the standards/objectives of this lesson.

*Identify the specific learning objectives of this lesson. (What will the students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?)

*List prerequisite skills needed.

*List materials needed for this lesson.

*Explain when this lesson will occur within the overall context of the ADDIE instructional unit.


*Describe examples/nonexamples.

*Formulate hypothesis.

*Design (describe) close.

*Design (describe) application of concept attainment process.

*Design (describe) integration of concept mapping.


*Develop examples & non-examples.

*Develop hypothesis.

*Develop close.

*Develop application of concept attainment process.

*Develop integration of concept mapping.

Reflect on accuracy hypothesis

*Explain the expectations for implementing the plan.

*Explain the plan for evaluation of the lesson.


*Data (This section should include analysis, discussion, explanation of how the data is connected to your goals & learn whether growth occurred.)

*Analyze & measure impact/growth of hypothesis

*Reflect on the quality of the instructional plan and implications for change.


  • Integrate technology/media into the lesson in one or more of the phases. Clearly indicate where this integration occurs.

  • Use APA style (6th edition) and formatting throughout.

  • Include references to literature and data based evaluation (either your data or data from literature) to support your use of models, resources, lesson plans, and assessments.

  • Use narrative, rich description, and explanations throughout your assignment. Write your instructional plan as if someone who does not understand your practice will need to read and understand your document. Don't leave me wondering about details you are able to explain.

  • Make connections between your assessed needs, stated measurable goals/objectives, your implemented plan, and the measurements at evaluation.

  • Check grammar and spelling using your electronic resource but also literally and in context. Use proper sentence structure and paragraph structure. Use appropriate transitions between paragraphs.